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see off相关的网络例句

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与 see off 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Let's see if I can name a few off the cuff, or without any preparation.


Let's see if I can name a few off the cuff, or withour any preparation.


Turn off culling, so we see the front and back of the triangle


When Iturn off the light and curl up to go to sleep,I can hardly see at all.


I was afraid they might not; and we overtook William Goulding in his curricle, so I was determined he should know it, and so I let down the side-glass next to him, and took off my glove, and let my hand just rest upon the window frame, so that he might see the ring, and then I bowed and smiled like any thing.


I was afraid they might not; we overtook William Goulding in his curricle, so I was determined he should know it, so I let down the side-glass next to him, took off my glove, let my hand my.ssbbww.com rest upon the window frame, so that he might see the ring, then I bowed smiled like any thing.

com 要让他知道我结婚了,便把我自己车子上的一扇玻璃窗放了下来,又脱下手套,把手放在窗口,好让他看见我手上的戒指,然后8t t t8.com 我又对他点点头笑得什么似的。

It was a quiet morning I drew off curtain with joy Outside, grass carpeted by pure white not even a leaf on it But look carefully, see a line of trace there ?


Derivatives also create a daisy-chain risk that is akin to the risk run by insurers or reinsurers that lay off much of their business with others. In both cases, huge receivables from many counterparties tend to build up over time.(At Gen Re Securities, we still have $6.5 billion of receivables, though we've been in a liquidation mode for nearly a year.) A participant may see himself as prudent, believing his large credit exposures to be diversified and therefore not dangerous. Under certain circumstances, though, an exogenous event that causes the receivable from Company A to go bad will also affect those from Companies B through Z. History teaches us that a crisis often causes problems to correlate in a manner undreamed of in more tranquil times.

衍生性金融商品交易也有可能造成骨牌效应的风险,这是因为许多保险业及再保业者习惯将风险分散给其它保险公司,在这类的情况下,钜额的应收款项将随着交易对象的日趋复杂而持续累积,(以通用再保证券来说,虽然已经经过将近一年的清算期,目前仍有高达65亿美元的应收款项流通在外),交易的一方或许对于自己相当有信心,认为其钜额的信用风险已经经过适度的分散,因此不会发生任何危险,只有等到某种特殊状况下,一个外部事件导致 A 公司的应收帐款发生问题,从而影响 B 公司,乃至于一路到 Z 公司,历史教训告诉我们危机的发生往往是我们在太平盛世时所梦想不到一连串问题串连所导致的。

The need to meet this demand can then throw the company into a liquidity crisis that may, in some cases, trigger still more downgrades. It all becomes a spiral that can lead to a corporate meltdown. Derivatives also create a daisy-chain risk that is akin to the risk run by insurers or reinsurers that lay off much of their business with others. In both cases, huge receivables from many counterparties tend to build up over time.(At Gen Re Securities, we still have $6.5 billion of receivables, though we've been in a liquidation mode for nearly a year.) A participant may see himself as prudent, believing his large credit exposures to be diversified and therefore not dangerous. Under certain circumstances, though, an exogenous event that causes the receivable from Company A to go bad will also affect those from Companies B through Z. History teaches us that a crisis often causes problems to correlate in a manner undreamed of in more tranquil times.

衍生性金融商品交易也有可能造成骨牌效应的风险,这是因为许多保险业及再保业者习惯将风险分散给其它保险公司,在这类的情况下,钜额的应收款项将随着交易对象的日趋复杂而持续累积,(以通用再保证券来说,虽然已经经过将近一年的清算期,目前仍有高达 65 亿美元的应收款项流通在外),交易的一方或许对于自己相当有信心,认为其钜额的信用风险已经经过适度的分散,因此不会发生任何危险,只有等到某种特殊状况下,一个外部事件导致 A 公司的应收帐款发生问题,从而影响 B 公司,乃至于一路到 Z 公司,历史教训告诉我们危机的发生往往是我们在太平盛世时所梦想不到一连串问题串连所导致的。

You see, you don't just dash off a book full of sharply observed, hilarious...

听着 你匆忙写成的书不仅见解犀利妙趣横生。。。

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Off To See The World
We're Off To See The Wizard
Off To See The Lizard
See Off This Mountain
I Will See You In Far Off Places
I Can't Wait To Get Off Work (And See My Baby On Montgomery Avenue)

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
