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与 sections 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You might want to break this chapter down into sections such as.


Will be like, but it also helps break up the materials and helps your eyes separate these different sections


After defining the problem, the next step is to break the program that is supposed to solve it ontological sections,or modules.


By now, tactus was generally two semibreves per breve with three per breve used for special effects and climactic sections; this was a nearly exact reversal of the prevailing technique a century before.


Chapter one, including two sections, explores the American views on China before E. C. Bridgman.


This chapter was divided into four sections: In section 1 ,the origin of bromate problem in flour and shortages of traditional determinations were introduced.


Bulgy edges of column disappear while the column sections being designed to be shapes of "L","T" and "+".


Jinhua has two Xianqiao in, and杭金衢高速Highway phase grounding; Southern white elephant finally Wenzhou, Ningbo and Taiwan highway intersection; via Jinhua, Zhejiang, Yong Kang, Jinyun, Lishui, Qingtian, Yongjia, Wenzhou 3 Five counties in the city, some sections of a full range of exchange or cable and 330 State Road, Highway 49 and Highway 42, 03 dart connected, a total length of 234 kilometers, all on December 23, 2005 smoothly completed ahead of the opening of .


Keep input traces away from output traces to minimize capacitive coupling of interference between input and output sections.


The course contains four sections as follows: mathematical logic (including basic concepts of propositional logic and predicate logic, propositional calculuses and inference theories), set theory (including set algebras, relations, functions and cardinal numbers), algebraic structure (including algebraic systems, semigroups and groups, rings and fields, lattices and Boolean algebras), graph theory (including basic concepts of graph, Euler graphs and Hamiltonian graphs, trees, planar graphs and coloring graphs, some special vertex subsets and edge subsets).


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
