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Currently, only parts of domestic highways are selected to be paved with porous asphalt, with an aim to improving the sections in which water tends to gather because of linearity. Observation and comparison reveal that this practice is effective to improving the water clogged on roads and lowering the rate of traffic accidents. However, complete pavement is not done owning to many factors. The main reason is that the result is not outstanding on the north trial section.


Classes can be subdivided into sections, and each section analyzed separately or in any combination.


The restaurant divided into two sections, indoor lounge and terrace beer garden.


I say, yes, it is possible, but how, we will see in the sections below.


Then the shear 、axial force and bending moment of governing sections of anti-seepage walls are studied.


Then the shear axial force and bending moment of governing sections of anti-seepage walls are studied.


After the canonization in 1450 of Bernardine of Siena (d. 1444), the first saint of the Observants, John Capistran with the assistance of the zealous cardinal Nicholas of Cusa (d. 1464), extended the Observance so greatly in Germany, that he could henceforth disregard the attacks of the lax and time-serving sections of the order.

后在1450封的Bernardine锡耶纳(草1444 ),第一次圣的Observants ,约翰Capistran的协助下,热心的枢机主教尼古拉库萨(草1464年),延长了如此巨大遵守在德国,他从此可以无视攻击的松懈和时间服务部门的秩序。

The Institute of Plant Sciences of the University of Berne, Switzerland, is a teaching and research institute, consisting of five independent research sections.


It is observed that circular type section is having more balanced biaxial rigidity out of the two sections considered in the study.


This article summarizes Annalistic Bibliotheca Poem, and the content which has four sections as follow: In the first section, the life of Ye has been introduced in brief.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
