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与 sections 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Using real data from a seismic exploration, we achieved the migration sections of converted wave beneath volcanic area, and it is proved that the method is effective for computing common asymptotic conversion point and pre-stack time migration.


The common method, that all strong-correlation terms of the model are eliminated, can bring the loss in the engineering application, so the new method is proposed that the identified model reserves some correlation. The augmented matrix A is constructed by the outputΔW and the matrix S. The"determinating order based on ratio of determinant"is brought out to screen the strong-correlation terms in the structure identification. The latent root estimation is improved in screening the eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Thus the estimation precision is improved greatly.The consistence check of guidance instrument error coefficients of flight test and ground test is the purpose of flight experiment. The causes of inconsistency of the two models are analyzed. The hypothesis test of linear regression model based on F statistics is proposed to check the consistence.Finally, the instability of error coefficients is probably caused by the change of the flight environments, therefore, the relation between the error coefficients and flight environment is analyzed. The approach is presented to identify SINS guidance instrument error models and compensate the error in the segmented sections corresponding to the change of vertical acceleration of aircraft.


During that period, his research field covered many sections, such as speech analysis and synthesis, speech coding, automatic answering, speech recognition, echo elimination, sound operation interface, high efficiency search algorithm and identifiable HMM.


Only a portion of the Avesta remains, but the language of its earliest sections is extremely ancient, closely related to that of the Indian Vedas.


In this paper, separation axioms in L-topological spaces are studied ,there are two sections .


Add one section in Article 44 as the second Section, stipulating: After Ministry of Commerce initiated the investigation, if the evidence proves that the two cases referred to in above two sections exists together, necessary registration measures on related imported products may be made so as to backdate to anti-dumping tax.

" 十一、在第四十四条中增加一款作为第二款,规定:"商务部发起调查后,有充分证据证明前款所列两种情形并存的,可以对有关进口产品采取进口登记等必要措施,以便追溯征收反倾销税。

The following sections give the details of the backplane network operation and configuration.


If he is a geologist, he will be completely engrossed in observing the vivid colors produced in sections of rock by polarized light; if a bacteriologist, he will develop a delight in collecting and cultivating the various chromogenic and phosphorescent microbes; and if an astronomer, he will devote his leisure moments to photographing the mountains on the moon or the spots on the sun.


For some of the classes below, sections of Bagley that are especially relevant are noted.


Pathological evaluation was performed in all sections according to Banff 97 classification and based on clinical data.

对全部肾活检标本依照Banff 97分类标准进行病理诊断,并结合临床资料进行分析。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
