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与 sea-cut 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The comparison based on FEM, SEA and the closed form solution reveals th e effectiveness of SEA in the prediction of high-frequency response. Next, the energy transmission between two coupled beams is obtained through FEM, and then the CLF used by SEA is built.


The high-frequency response characters of a simple-supported beam is obtained by NASTRAN.The result is strongly influenced by the mesh size.The comparison based on FEM,SEA and the closed form solution reveals the effectiveness of SEA in the prediction of high-frequency response.


Finally a case study is presented to demonstrate the Normative SEA methodology framework indicatively. This case is SEA of the Guangzhou Urban Development Strategic Plan.


Ten iridoviruses were isolated from cultured fish from various regions in Korea; 7 from rock bream, 1 from red sea bream, 1 from sea bass, and 1 from rockfish.

从韩国不同地区的饲养鱼类中分离出来10种虹彩病毒;7 from rock bream, 1 from red sea bream, 1 from sea bass, and 1 from岩鱼。

Methods In the present study, we established an in vitro anergy model using superantigen SEA as the anergizing agents and examined CD28 and CTLA-4 expression of anergic T cells in response to SEA rechallenge.


That golden sea with dazzling waves,mountain-high-an immensity of wheat field for t hree days fly,where my fat her stands sho ulder high,my elder brot herexpo sing only his head,my granny falling into t he sea up2o n her t read,above me golden billows surging like a crestof a hundred feet and I hold my breat h,jumping twotimes and t hree,which ends in a failure to reach t he earsof wheat.

这是一段关于麦田的生动描写。作者使用夸张的修辞手法把人在麦浪中的情景描绘得出神入化。在此段的一开始,作者就用&golden sea&描绘出麦田的色彩,用&mountain high&比喻麦子的高度,紧接着又用了&for three days&的数字夸张手法描绘出麦田的浩瀚无垠。

We have obtained the anti-SEA IgY antibody, established and optimized the double antibody sandwich ELISA system to detect SEA of S. japonicum from the sera of acute and chronic patients with schistosomiasis and normal persons. The cross-reaction with sera of paragonimiasis, clonorchiasis and hookworm infections were also investigated. Our results demonstrated that the IgY-ELISA method was effective in evaluating the therapeutic effect in different parasitic burden of infected mice, which provides a novel technique for clinical diagnosis of S. japonicum infection.

本研究成功制备并鉴定了抗SEA的IgY,进行了理化性质的研究,成功建立且优化了IgG-IgY ELISA检测体系,用于正常人,急性血吸虫病患者血清和慢性血吸虫病患者血清的检测,以及肺吸虫、华支睾吸虫、钩虫患者血清的交叉反应性的分析,对感染血吸虫的小鼠进行了疗效考核,为血吸虫病的诊断提供了有效的辅助诊断方法。

Love the sea.I wish I could some day live by the sea in a thatched cottage of my own so that I could all day listen to the soft breeze and the sea communicating with each other in sweet whispers and watch the rolling waves kissing the beach.

Love the Sea》,Xie Bingying 我爱大海,我希望有一天我能够在海边有一个属于自己的茅草小屋,这样我就可以整天聆听着微风和大海的窃窃私语及可以欣赏着那起伏的波浪亲吻着沙滩的美景。

Liposomal SEA had lesser effect on the blood pressure, colonic temperature and breath rate of the rabbits.


Sh e sells sea sh ells on the sea sh ore, and sh e is s ure the sea sh ells sh e sells are sea sh ells .

她在海边卖海贝,她总是肯定自己卖的是真海贝。Sea sh ell海贝

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Sirens Of The Sea
Black Sea
Across The Sea
Under The Sea
Sea Of Sorrow
Like The Sea
Medley: Sea Of Time & Sea Of Holes
From Sea To Shining Sea
Sea Within A Sea
Sea To Sea

The split between the two groups can hardly be papered over.


This approach not only encourages a greater number of responses, but minimizes the likelihood of stale groupthink.


The new PS20 solar power tower collected sunlight through mirrors known as "heliostats" to produce steam that is converted into electricity by a turbine in Sanlucar la Mayor, Spain, Wednesday.
