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screen dump相关的网络例句

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与 screen dump 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The following screen dump shows the Commit dialog box from Vault

下面截图显示了 Vault 的截图

The screen dump below is the corresponding dialog box


PET laser aluminized film:Mainly used to silk-screen, offset-screen, and concavity-screen and other all kinds of printing, drawflower, Christmas articles, toys, common ambulant paper and filmy food bags and other products


Taking the laser diode line generator as the light source, the parallel laser screen unit was formed by using aplanatic cylindrical Fresnel lens with long focal length. By splicing seamlessly with multiple parallel laser-screen units, the large area laser screen can he constructed.


Screen size options to solve the common touch screen too small screen size of the problem.


For example, if the screen resolution is 640*480, the right-lower corner of the screen is x==639 and y==479. If you want to convert the screen coordinate to window coordinate, use ScreenToClient function.

例如,如果屏幕分辨率是640*480,屏幕右下角的坐标是 x=639 y=479,如果你想屏幕坐标为窗口坐标,用 ScreenToClient 函数。

You can use this screen capture software to record full screen or any area of the desktop screen, to record the cursor's movement even with highlight.


Discussant Don Poldermans from the Netherlands, stressed that only a few patients with PAD have no other disease and they require further investigation:"Most of the affected organs are asymptomatic. Screen for aortic aneurysms, screen for carotid disease, screen for coronary artery disease," he urged.

荷兰Don Poldermans指出,仅少数PAD患者没有其他合并症,需要对他们进行进一步研究:"多数器官受累是无症状的,要对主动脉瘤、颈动脉疾病和冠状动脉进行筛查。"

In addition, spot color screen angle in software will normally be preset to 45 ° c (45-degree, is considered the most comfortable utilizinghuman-aware, so that the angle of the dot is arranged in horizontal and vertical lines to equal rotation, you can reduce the human ability to mesh point detection), if a Duotone image or data file into the existing business card printing and membership card making four color black%(General in the four-colour screen business card printing and membership card-making Black mesh point-and-drop, in a 45-degree is 0 degrees for yellow, magenta to 15 degrees, 75 degrees), and spot color, or with more than two spot colors, the color screen is to a 45-degree output, so use the spot color, while if it is possible with other screening to overprint colors, you must open the output color separation software color settings or the print dialog box, on the halftone angles to make modifications.

另外,专色的增网角量在软件洋凡是城市预撤为45量(45量均被觉得是人眼感知最安适的角量,让网不背摆列在与程量和垂直线不败不等角量的标的目的上可以裁减人眼差网不背的发现本领),若是一个单色调影像或是数据文件洋既有制卡和会员卡制息四色暗不败外(凡是在四色增网制卡和会员卡制息洋,不兵暗网不背不收在45量,黄为0量、品赤为15 量、青为75量),又有专色,或者是有两个以上专色,则在分色增网时城市以45量输入,所以在差专色搁置浅网时,如果有不定与其他增网颜色有叠印,则务必在分色输入时开放软件颜色撤定或打印撤定的差话框,差专色增网角量举动编削。

Any plugin that had added a section to the post editing screen, or other administration screen, will probably find that the formatting and markup changes on the administration screens in WordPress 2.5 have made their section so that it no longer "blends in" and looks like it belongs with the built-in WordPress sections on the screen.


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Dump Truck
Dump Truck
Back It Up And Dump It
Dump Dump Dump
Dump That Creep
Dump Me
Dump The Dude
Dump, Bust, Blast

Observation indexes included:(1)lumbar dorsal muscle thickness;(2)ratio of lumbar subcutaneous fat MRI signal to lumbar dorsal muscle MRI signal;(3)multifidus muscle shape,MRI signal and intramuscular spatia.


His new work Seven Worthies created in 2007 is a reflection of his rebellious psyche. He does not want to lead a common life and he ascribes to the values of the seven virtuous persons. What he really wants is to escape from this world.


As parents and individuals, let's create a zero-tolerance zone, where offensive words are simply not acceptable.
