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Reporting recently in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , Leslie Saul-Gershenz and Jocelyn Millar described the case of the abominable blister beetle and the benighted solitary bee.

在《Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences》的最新报道中,Leslie Saul-Gershenz 和Jocelyn Millar向我们描述了讨厌的斑蝥和善良的独居蜂之间的故事。

The companies are Bristol-Myers Squibb and Gilead Sciences.

这2个公司分别是Bristol-Myers Squibb and Gilead Sciences。

Think of it this way: The probability of getting all spades in a given bridge hand is infinitesimally small, but in all the bridge games all over the world, somebody might,' says Stan Young, assistant director of the National Institute of Statistical Sciences in Research Triangle Park, N.C.

美 国国家统计科学研究院(National Institute of Statistical Sciences)的副主任斯坦。荣格说,可以这么看:拿到的一把牌中全是方片牌的可能性微乎其微,但要把范围扩大到全世界的所有牌局,这还是有可能的。

Today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , the researchers report that they expected to find a 50:50 ratio of right - to left-handed amino acids in the rocks, but instead they found the ratio of amino acids tilted toward left-handedness in all six specimens.

在今天的《美国国家科学院院刊》( Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ),研究人员汇报了,他们希望在陨石里找到含量对半分布的右旋和左旋氨基酸,相反他们发现六个样本里面,两种氨基酸的比都倾向于左旋体。

Colin Devey, of the Leibnitz Institute of Marine Sciences in Germany, said: The ocean ridges are active volcanic landscapes… that is not a fragile environment.

德国莱布尼茨海洋科学研究所(Leibnitz Institute of Marine Sciences)的科林·德维表示:大洋脊是一片活火山……不是脆弱的环境。

The National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences in Tsukuba, Japan, has accumulated numerous rice biological resources and has already successfully produced a high-quality genome sequence, a high-density genetic map with 3000 markers, 30 000 full-length cDNAs, oer 700 expression profiles with a 9000 cDNA microarray and 15 000 flanking sequences with Tos17 insertions in about 3765 mutant lines from about 50 000 transposon insertion lines.

日本的NIAS(National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences )已经积累了大量的水稻生物学资源,并成功完成水稻全基因组的测序工作,构建了3000个marks的高密度遗传图谱,收集了30000条全长cDNA序列、超过含有9000cDNA条cDNA microarray的700个表达谱,和Tos17插入大约50000个转座子插入系中的3765个突变系的15000条侧翼序列。

The Tryp Oceanic is located in the most modern area of Valencia, close to the Oceanographic Park and the City of Arts and Sciences ('Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias').

这间全新的酒店毗邻巴伦西亚其中一个最时尚、最当代的City of Arts and Sciences 区,是商贾游客的绝佳选择。在这里,您可到酒店的健身室锻炼身体,接着到户外游泳池游泳,享受日光浴。

A study just published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, by Jessica Whiteside of Brown University in Rhode Island and her colleagues, pretty well nails it down. It was the geological chaos that created the North Atlantic Ocean.

罗得岛布朗大学的杰西卡·怀特塞德与其同事共同完成了一项研究,最近他们刊载在美国科学院院刊(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)上的研究论文几乎令一切盖棺定论——是形成北大西洋的地质混沌。

Lennard Fisk, a University of Michigan space scientist who chairs the National Academy of Sciences Space Studies Board and is a former head of NASA space science, calls the threatened cuts "an extremely foolish thing to do".

曾任国家空间科学院研究委员会(National Academy of Sciences Space Studies Board)主席、NASA空间科学负责人的密歇根大学空间科学家Lennard Fisk说,这个削减计划&极其愚蠢&。

Despite new measures by the Chinese government to emphasize construction of low-cost houses, the new report on housing by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences warns that low and middle-income families are 'not well-covered' by the existing residence-guarantee system, which is intended to provide a type of rent and housing price-control.

尽管中国政府采取了加强限价房建设的新措施,但中国社会科学院(Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)在最新一份住房研究报告中警告说,中低收入家庭并未得到由廉租房和限价房组成的现有住房保障体系的良好覆盖。

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I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


Only from a superior source of goats can an exceptional chevon product be made.

羊源 有优良的羊源才能生产出好品质的羊肉。

The company has international topping manufacturing technique and equipment, advanced business administration and quality control.
