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From the day becoming SCI patients, most of us have never been out from homes and have been secluding from the world . What is then the meaning of this life? This life has no meaning for us instead of waiting for death.


It can realize duplex or semiduplex communication between one RS-232 SCI to four RS-422/ RS-485 SCIs without necessarily changing the existing software of PC.

k ,可以在不改变微机已有控件的情况下,实现一个RS-232串行口与4路 RS-422/RS-485 串行口之间的全或半双工通信。

Liang,"Multiscale Penalized Weighted Least-squares Sinogram Restoration for Low-dose X-ray Computed Tomography", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 55(3): 1022-1031, 2008 SCI, IF=1.622


Four aspects of research achievements include:(1)several imaging correction methods and strained estimation methods for biological tissues elasticity imaging were investigated as well as elasticity reconstruction and phantom, in vitro and in vivo elasticity imaging experiments;(2)in the fields of biological microsystem and perfusion evaluation for microvascular system, three kinds of microbubbles whose shell are albumin, sugar ester and surfactant respectively were designed and produced, then the methods to estimate the thickness of their shells were presented, moreover, the interacting mechanism of ultrasound contrast agents and tissues, as well as protein drug delivery under the condition of ultrasound sonification were studied in the molecular level;(3) At the aspect of high intensity focused ultrasound therapy system, we designed and constructed the 256-element HIFU transducers using 1-3 composite materials. And furthermore we developed the integrated HIFU system with 256-element HIFU transducers. And we made preliminary and important progresses in the research of HIFU bioeffect, lesion estimation, techniques of monitoring and imaging and characterizing of structure of HIFU transducer;(4)The real-time method of voice source regeneration based on compensative regulation of physiological parameters was investigated in the field of medical rehabilitation. We addressed the physiology and biophysics of vocalization, modeled voice source regeneration based on compensative regulation mechanism, and put forward an integrated evaluation about the speech rehabilitation and the regenerated voice source; Sixty-one archived journal papers were published, as well as ten in international journals, and eighteen publications were embodied by SCI.

成果包括:(1)在生物组织弹性成像方面,研究了多种图像校正方法和应变估计方法,进行了弹性重构和仿体、离体及在体超声弹性成像实验研究;(2)在生物微系统和微血管血流灌注成像方面,制备了三种不同包膜超声造影微泡,研究了纳米包膜厚度检测与估计方法以及不同纳米包膜造影微泡断裂与药物释放机制,并在分子层次上开展了超声与生物组织相互作用机制以及蛋白质药物超声乳化微囊包裹的研究;(3)在阵列式高强聚焦超声治疗与监控成像技术方面,设计制作了新的HIFU换能器,解决了256阵元单焦点和多焦点合成HIFU治疗系统关键技术问题,并在HIFU生物效应与创伤性评价方法、HIFU过程监控成像技术和薄层复合结构与HIFU 换能器界面特性评价等方面的研究取得了初步而重要的进展,具有重要应用前景;(4)在语音听觉系统特别是嗓音康复方面,研究了基于发声系统补偿调节机制的实时多模式嗓音源再生方法和发声生理,建立基于神经、肌肉和空气动力系统的综合补偿调节模型,提出了相应的评价系统。

Four aspects of research achievements include:(1)several imaging correction methods and strained estimation methods for biological tissues elasticity imaging were investigated as well as elasticity reconstruction and phantom, in vitro and in vivo elasticity imaging experiments;(2)in the fields of biological microsystem and perfusion evaluation for microvascular system, three kinds of microbubbles whose shell are albumin, sugar ester and surfactant respectively were designed and produced, then the methods to estimate the thickness of their shells were presented, moreover, the interacting mechanism of ultrasound contrast agents and tissues, as well as protein drug delivery under the condition of ultrasound sonification were studied in the molecular level;(3) At the aspect of high intensity focused ultrasound therapy system, we designed and constructed the 256-element HIFU transducers using 1-3 composite materials. And furthermore we developed the integrated HIFU system with 256-element HIFU transducers. And we made preliminary and important progresses in the research of HIFU bioeffect, lesion estimation, techniques of monitoring and imaging and characterizing of structure of HIFU transducer;(4)The real-time method of voice source regeneration based on compensative regulation of physiological parameters was investigated in the field of medical rehabilitation. We addressed the physiology and biophysics of vocalization, modeled voice source regeneration based on compensative regulation mechanism, and put forward an integrated evaluation about the speech rehabilitation and the regenerated voice source; Sixty-one archived journal papers were published, as well as ten in international journals, and eighteen publications were embodied by SCI.

中文摘要:成果包括:(1)在生物组织弹性成像方面,研究了多种图像校正方法和应变估计方法,进行了弹性重构和仿体、离体及在体超声弹性成像实验研究;(2)在生物微系统和微血管血流灌注成像方面,制备了三种不同包膜超声造影微泡,研究了纳米包膜厚度检测与估计方法以及不同纳米包膜造影微泡断裂与药物释放机制,并在分子层次上开展了超声与生物组织相互作用机制以及蛋白质药物超声乳化微囊包裹的研究;(3)在阵列式高强聚焦超声治疗与监控成像技术方面,设计制作了新的HIFU换能器,解决了256阵元单焦点和多焦点合成HIFU治疗系统关键技术问题,并在HIFU生物效应与创伤性评价方法、HIFU过程监控成像技术和薄层复合结构与HIFU 换能器界面特性评价等方面的研究取得了初步而重要的进展,具有重要应用前景;(4)在语音听觉系统特别是嗓音康复方面,研究了基于发声系统补偿调节机制的实时多模式嗓音源再生方法和发声生理,建立基于神经、肌肉和空气动力系统的综合补偿调节模型,提出了相应的评价系统。

For years, Sunway sci-tech has regarded technological innovation as the foundation for sustainable development of company, scientific research spending has remained more than 10% of annual sales income.


It occurred to me that other sci-fi and fantasy movies also require terse synopses for the channel-surfing community. Here then is a selection of such possible descriptions


One day later, the numbers of PDGF_B positive cells and the PDGF_B mRNA were showed to increase tendentiously.

PDGF_B mRNA表达:SCI后1d,PDGF_B mRNA表达降低,3d接近正常,随后略有下降,14d后mRNA表达升高,28d基本回到正常。

Severe spinal cord injury often causes tetraplegia or paraplegia, which dramatically decreases the quality of life of the SCI patients and their caring members.


Spinal cord injury is commonly encountered in clinical..Traumatic spinal cord injury can result in severe damage, leading to tetraplegia, or worse.

脊髓损伤(spinal cord injury,SCI)是临床常见创伤,常导致四肢截瘫等严重后果。

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Die Sci-Fi

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
