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与 satellite 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In order to get the strong convective cloud characteristics exhibiting in satellite images, about 20000 hourly gauge data of 333 surface rainfall stations and corresponding 4000 IR digital cloud images of GMS 4 during the period of 1992~1994 in Henan, Hubei and Sichuan provinces were analyzed.


Firstly, from Gauss' equations and relative motion equations, the relation of control impulse and relative motion was expressed as analysis formulas and simplified based on the near circular condition. By deeply analyzing the mechanism of impulses in each directions (radial, in-track and cross-track directions) effect on relative motion respectively, two maneuvers to establish formation flying are provided: one is to utilize the impulses in radial and cross-track directions, the other is to utilize the impulses in along-track and cross-track directions. Both of the two methods can establish satellite formation flying of any configuration. The method with impulses irradial and cross-track directions needs only 3 impulses, while the method with impulses in along-back and cross-track directions needs 4 impulses. Lastly, by an example of establishing a space-circle formation flying, two maneuvers were compared with each other in the amount of impulses and fuel consuming estimation.


Ensure a more integrated approach to observation across networks such as those of WMO's WWW, GAW and hydrology and those co-sponsored by WMO such as the Global Climate Observing System; and across disciplines including terrestrial and oceanic, with emphasis on satellite observations


This is one of the small, satellite, annual genera close to Poa .


The accuracy of the measurements of the geocentric vector plays a key role in satellite navigation,but it is affected by the earth oblateness.


Hence, a new space VLBI satellite is needed to support geodetic and geodynamic study.


Firsthand observations and satellite images show that the immediate area around the geographic North Pole is now mostly annual, or first-year, ice—thin new ice that forms each year during the winter freeze.


Hamilton discovered the quaternion ,to the middle period of last century,the application of the quaternion and the quaternion matrix are discovered widely in geostatics,the theory of ped-top using, strap-down inertial ,naviation, enginery and organ,robot technology and artificial satellite attitude control,and so on.

R。 Hamilton发现四元数到上世纪中叶,四元数和四元数矩阵方法在刚体动力学、陀螺使用理论、捷联惯性导航、机器与机构、机器人技术、人造卫星姿态控制等领域应用非常广泛。

Several methods of deriving horizontal wind fields from satellite temperature data are analyzed and compared in this paper, including the calculation methods of geostrophic wind, gradient wind and balance wind.


It is a contest to get a satellite into orbit, and we're way ahead on this.


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Satellite / Stealing Time
Satellite Blues
Blue Satellite
Satellite Heart
Satellite Of Love
Satellite Blues
Satellite To Satellite

With Death guitarist Schuldiner adopting vocal duties, the band made a major impact on the scene.


But he could still end up breakfasting on Swiss-government issue muesli because all six are accused of nicking around 45 million pounds they should have paid to FIFA.


Closes the eye, the deep breathing, all no longer are the dreams as if......
