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与 sandwich 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The kid went over to a garbage pail, fished out an orange Nike shoebox, dumped a half-eated sandwich out of it and handed it to Pavano.


English is the primary language in Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, the Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Belize, the British Indian Ocean Territory, the British Virgin Islands, Canada, the Cayman Islands, Dominica, the Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Grenada, Guernsey, Guyana, Isle of Man, Jamaica, Jersey, Montserrat, New Zealand, Ireland (Hiberno-English), Pitcairn Islands, Saint Helena, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Trinidad and Tobago, the Turks and Caicos Islands, the United Kingdom (various forms of British English), the U.S. Virgin Islands and the United States various forms of American English

英语是以下国家或地区的主要语言:安圭拉岛、安提瓜和巴布达、澳大利亚、巴哈马、巴巴多斯、百慕大群岛、伯利兹、英属印度洋领地、英属维尔京群岛、加拿大、开曼群岛、多米尼加、福克兰群岛、直布罗陀、格林纳达、根西岛、圭亚那、Isle of Man、牙买加、泽西岛、蒙特塞拉特岛、新西兰、爱尔兰(Hiberno-English)、皮特克恩岛、圣赫勒拿岛、圣卢西亚岛、圣基茨和尼维斯联邦、南乔治亚岛与南桑威奇群岛、特立尼达和多巴哥、特克斯和凯科斯群岛、英国、美属维尔京群岛、美国。

Ultras are different, but what unites them is their love for their club, their persistance to stay 90 minutes on their feet during the rain or cold, they are united by the warmth from chanting at full voice, united while sleeping in a half-drunk state on a train that is taking them from an away game, united by the convoy through the center of the away teams city, united by one sandwich which is shared amongst four of them after many hours of hunger, united by one shared cigarette, united by one look, by one ideal, by a one and only mentality.


On the one hand to plant a solid fat cream market, on the other hand the commission in the form of processing, will expand the scope of business to the roof packet drinks / baking category of Chinese and Western cakes (bread / cake / Hamburg / sandwich / moon cakes, etc.) professional OEM / Production.


The observation of nanoparticles in SEM images and the detection of surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy of MBA in the sandwich structure indicated the existence of heavy metal ions in the solution.


High-intensity combined safety glass is a revolution of glass plate history. Traditional glass is fragile, heavy and easy to hurt person when broken. However, high-strength compound safety glass consisted with two tempered glasses with a layer as a sandwich , its thickness is only 1.1 +1.1 mm, or 1.5 +1.5 mm, 1.8 +1.8 mm, 2.0 +2.0 mm—Intensity, as well as impact strength, of tempered glass have been greatly increased. Even if glass is broken, its splinter will be adhesive together and will not hurt person mainly coz the glass is very thin. This glass bears the duty of door hinge as door plate of wardrobe or cupboard in the installation.


Methods: Bypreparing anti-human type Ⅳ collagen IgG with rabbits and utilizing sodium periodate horse-radish peroxidase-labelling anti-human type Ⅳ collagen monoclonal antibody to change diluentcomponent and concentration, we establioshed sandwich ELISA.


Use hummus in place of mayo as a sandwich spread to add protein and fiber.


Or simply buy some of our delicious house-made hummus and add it to a sandwich or a wrap.


By using Balsa wood, paulownia wood, quasi-orthogonal E-glass non-woven fabric and vinyl resin, two types of light-weight high-performance sandwich composite matting were fabricated by the advanced vacuum infusion molding process, the masses of which are 15 kg/m^2 and 20 kg/m^2, respectively.

选用Balsa轻木、泡桐木、玻璃纤维布以及乙烯基酯树脂,采用先进的真空导入成型工艺制备出2种轻质高强的复合材料道面垫板,其质量分别为15、20 kg/平方公尺。

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Barbie Eat A Sandwich
Sexual Sandwich
This Town Is A Sealed Tuna Sandwich (Prologue)
This Town Is A Sealed Tuna Sandwich (Reprise)
Meat Sandwich
Glass Sandwich
This Is Not A Song, It's A Sandwich
Knuckle Sandwich Nancy

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
