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In the Win98 function in those who need more powerful driver of the mouse can be adjusted, and in Win2000/XP system, it is very easy to achieve: Right-click "My Computer", select "manage", and then in the pop-up management window and select "Device Manager", a "mouse and other pointing device", double-click the following PS / 2 mouse, pop-up its property window, click on the "Advanced Settings", the following "sampling rate" set to " 200 ", click OK to exit.
Methods: The study sample comprised 1 573 35~44 year old and 1 515 65~74 year old Guangdong residents recruited from urban and rural areas through multi stage cluster sampling.
通过多阶段整群抽样方法从城市和农村抽取35~44 岁组1 573 人和65~74 岁组1 515 人为样本,用结构式问卷由经培训的问卷人员进行面对面问卷调查。
Methods A total of 6 352 students were chosen by multi stage randomized sampling, the information of the students aged 7-8 were collected by face to face interview, students aged 9-18 by self administered questionnaire. Results The incidence rate of injury was 48.0%, and there were 30.4% of the students reporting had committed injury. Every injury case had 1.58 injuries during one year averagely.
用4阶段分层随机整群抽样方法抽取大城市、中小城市、一类农村和二类农村各3个县区进行调查,每个县抽取1所学校,共对6 352名学生进行调查,小学一、二年级学生面对面访谈,三~六年级学生在调查员和老师的指导下完成,初、高中生自填。
Multi-stage random sampling method is used, and the sample size is 750 persons in total.
The characters of the system selects 12 - bit A/D chip converter with high sampling rate and high precision to switch the circuit design. Using multiaddress technology finishes the A/D conversion of the multichannel signal.
Methods 18 583 subjects were randomly selected from three cities and three counties by multistage sampling method.
采用多级抽样方法,对辽宁省3市3县18 583名居民过去1 a中的伤害情况进行调查。
Research interests encompass sampling, estimation, semi/non-parametric methods, multivariate statistics, data mining and complex data analysis.
In this study, stratified sampling is in Shandong Province and Ningxia Hui Municipality.
METHODS: A total of 1 536 people in rural areas of shaanxi were studied by cluster random sampling methods. All particants were checked by slit lamp, and the people who were more than 50 years old carried out the standard examination by internal criteria. Then they were examined by LOCS Ⅲ in mydriatic situation when there were no contraindication.
遵循按比例、随机、整群抽样的原则对陕西省洋县 1 536人进行白内障患病率的横断面调查,所有受检人员均采用裂隙灯检查晶状体,年龄≥50岁的人,先在小瞳孔下按照国内诊断标准进行检查,如无禁忌再充分散瞳后,按LOCSⅢ标准进行检查。
Fiber optic cable, cable has access to the State Administration of Radio, the Ministry of Information Industry, the People's Liberation Army General Staff, Nanterre and Certification Center presented the "license, that certificate", prestressed steel wire was "outstanding new products in Jiangsu Province","State Sampling of prestressed concrete steel excellent quality assured brand "title, the Ministry of Railways is designated manufacturers; security fence access to Traffic Engineering Test Center awarded the" product certification "," traffic engineering products approved production installation Zhunyong Zheng "; In 1999 the company adopted the ISO9002 quality system certification, in January 2006 passed the ISO9001: 2000 quality system replacement (McIntyre and Certification Center), and agreed,"the Ministry of Agriculture total quality management standards enterprises","the contract for 10 years And keeping promises "," Changzhou City civilized units "and the honorary title.
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