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sample carrier相关的网络例句

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与 sample carrier 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The procedure involves the generation of a second independent sample and a test that the estimates of the sample mean and standard deviation determined in the first sample are reliable estimates of the population mean and standard deviatio~.


The popular method is to approximate the pattern of a sample by multiplying the size of the sample and the pattern of the unit sample.


In chapter one,the writing research the questions in sample rotation when sample with simple random sampling according the process of the sample rotation.

第一章 这章内容属于文献综述性质的,主要是按样本轮换的实施过程,讲述前人对简单随机抽样下的样本轮换理论的有关问题。

Experimental result showed that under the wavelength of 460 nm,there was good linear relation between absorbency and content of SO42-;and stationary time that absorbency value needed became longer along with the increase of sample quantity of phosphoric acid.When absorbency become stationary,there is good linear relation between the phosphoric acid sample quantity and the content ofSO42-.So the content of SO42- can be adjusted by turning the sample quantity to make it in scope of standard curve.

实验结果表明,在波长为460 nm处,硫酸根含量与吸光度成良好的线性关系;随着磷酸取样量的增加,吸光度达到稳定值所需的时间相应增加,稳定后磷酸取样量与硫酸根含量成良好线性关系,因此实验过程中可通过调整磷酸的取样量来调节硫酸根含量,使之在标准曲线的测定范围内。

In chapter 4 based above two chapters, we disscuss sampling method of supplemented sample under both cluster sample and stratified sample having auxiliary information.

已有的 分层抽样和整群抽样方案都有自己的使用范围,在不适合的情况下使用效率很低。

Analytic methods based on elementary parametric and non-parametric models for one sample; two sample, stratified sample, and simple


Nalytic methods based on elementary parametric and non-parametric models for one sample; two sample, stratified sample, and simple regression problems

-1 B-3 2如何搜集有价值的资料?如何组织、解释所搜集的资料?如何分析并给适当的推论?

This text proceed from this promptly, discuss Stratified Sampling application and sample assessment of result of method mainly, Pass to some profit and tax amount sample investigation design of method, enterprise of shopping center, Probe into and divide layer sample actual application of technology further.


In the empirical analysis part, statistical descriptions on the sample funds are made firstly, which show that the actual distribution of each sample fund"s daily net value return possesses the characteristic of leptokurtosis. So it is necessary to add student T distribution and GED to capture such leptokurtosis characteristic other than normal distribution. Secondly, ARCH test shows that there exists volatility clustering in each sample fund"s daily net value return, so GARCH related models should be used to describe such volatility clustering characteristic.


Fisher criterion assumes that each sample has a unimodal,symmetric distribution for each class.However,when the training sample size is large and their distributions are multimodal or skewed,the definition of classical Fisher criterion can not correctly reflect the distribution of the data in the sample space,in that case,the sets of discriminant vectors are not optimal virtually.


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Amplified Sample
Sample The Funk
Does Anybody Know
Sample And Hold
People Carrier
It's Your Life
You Gonna Luv Me
Cant Get No Better
Jesus Needs More Babies For His War Machine
Put It All To Music

Although much of Qin's personal story is very admirable, such as her having had the wherewithal to divorce her abusive ex-husband, one still can't help but ponder the fact that she doesn't appear to treat her staff very well, considering that 20 people quit every month on account of their low salaries.


C With eversible prothoracic gland (except Melalophaanachoreta Fabr.).


Ascaris nasal drilled from the child's situation is not uncommon; on specific allergy children, who suffer from ascariasis can respect recurring measles, skin itching, facial swelling and other symptoms of systemic allergic.
