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与 rooting 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The playmates found the treasures at the foot of a tree in the garden as they were rooting around below their treehouse.


The effects of different hormone on axinary buds induction, tufty bud differentiation, and rooting were studied by means of orthogonal design and common buckwheat stem segment explants with a knot.


For cutting propagation of semi-lignified branches in P. frasery, it was suitable to take perlite: vermiculite: turves=l:2:l or 1:1:2 as medium. The most appropriate concentration of ABT1 rooting powder solution was 200 mg/L.


For cutting propagation of semi-lignified branches in P. frasery, it was suitable to take perlite:vermiculite: turves=1:2:1 or 1:1:2 as medium. The most appropriate concentration of ABT1 rooting powder solution was 200 mg/L.

咱结论暂对于红叶石楠半木质化枝条的扦插繁殖,使用基质珍珠岩:蛭石:泥炭越1:2:1或1:1:2较适合。1号ABT生根粉溶液的处理浓度以200 mg/L最为适宜。

DON'T laugh at visiting fans who sing unimaginative, unfunny songs about car crime, singing-on or rooting through bins for dead cats.


"Because we aim to avoid a repetition of unpayable debt in the future, we have also agreed to tough disciplines for the future, and we have asked the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund to prepare a report for us on improving transparency on all sides, and to intensify the rooting out of corruption, so that funds are guaranteed to be used for the purpose of poverty reduction," he said.


And then adding NAA at low concentration in MS was used to give rise to roots. We also found that lower level of hormone could control effectively browninng and vitrifaction during the culture and G1 n (6mg/L) and AgNOj (2mg/L) supplemented in shoot induction media could improve the shoot information rates apparently (about90%).The whole period of plant regeneration from leaflets of peanut could be divided as five steps: germination - shoot induction -shoot elongation-rooting- tranplant.

用1/2MS培养基萌发花生种子,9-10d后,从无菌花生苗上切取幼嫩叶片中部为外植体。2500Lux光照和27±1℃条件下,在诱芽培养基(MS+BA3mg/L+NAA0.8mg/L+AgNO_32mg/L十Gln 6mg/L)培养12-14d即可观察到明显芽点或瘤状突起,较前人报道的培养时间大大缩短了,4w后芽点进一步发育成丛生芽,芽诱导率达90.2%,每个外植体平均产9个丛尘芽,然后转至培养基MS+BA3 mg/L+AgNO_32 mg/L上诱导芽的伸长,3-4w后可长至3-4cm,切下带有2-3片叶片的幼芽移至生根培养基(MS+NAA0.8mg/L+AgNO_32mg/L),1w后切口处可见白色不定根形成。

The results showed that there were some differences in bud proliferation, rooting and vitrification among different genotypes.


He told me of how I had encouraged him on that first dreadful night's walking tour and how he was rooting for me.


An experiment was conducted to study the rooting promotion and formation of adventitious roots of Abies beshanzuensis cuttings.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
