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If an invaded root cell happens to be a normal diploid cell, it is usually destroyed by the infection and degenerates.
The Zn concentration in leaf and leafstalk increased with increasing Zn supply from 0 to 160 mgL^(-1), but had no increase or even decreased when the Zn supply was higher than 160 mgL^(-1). The Zn concentration in root exhibited a positive correlation with Zn supply and its exposure time, and the kinetic curve of Zn uptake fitted linear-quadratic model, i.e., fast linear uptake first and slow saturation uptake later, with the dividing point at about 1-2 hours' exposure, which could be related with the Zn adsorption on root cell wall and the Zn transportation across the cell membrane.
在0160 mgL^(-1) Zn处理下,植株叶片和叶柄Zn含量随Zn处理水平的提高显著增加,Zn浓度大于160 mgL^(-1)后,植株叶片和叶柄Zn含量不再随介质中Zn浓度的提高而增加,根系含Zn含量与介质中的Zn浓度和培养时间呈正相关,且根系Zn吸收动力学曲线具有二型性,即开始为快速的线性吸收,随后是较缓慢的饱和吸收,两者分界点约在12h,这可能分别与根细胞壁吸附Zn和Zn跨根细胞膜运输有关。
Analysis indicated that the ratios of the Cd forms extracted by ethanol and by deionized water in root, and the ratios of soluble Cd in root cell showed accordancy with the ratio of Cd transported from root to aboveground parts, and also the ratios of the Cd forms extracted by ethanol and by deionized water in stem, and the ratios of soluble Cd in stem cell showed accordancy with the ratio of Cd translocated from rice straw to grain.
Due to the complexity of the cell jitter, the NonSynchronous Tining Recovery methods are currently not mature With the emphasis being given to the Class A CBR traffic, this paper analyzes the performance of the queueing delay and cell jitter at the source node and intermediate nodes, and discusses the Source Timing Recovery at the destination node in ATM networks Firstly, this paper presents a description of the cell jitter of CBR traffic, and gives the definitions of two kinds of cell jitter regarding the Source Timing Recovery for CBR traffic Then, by using exact mathematical models and analysis methods, this paper analyzes the impact of the factors, such as the capacity of the queueing buffer, the randomness, the deterministic nature and the correlation in cell arrivals of the background traffic sources, on the queueing delay and cell jitter performance of the CBR traffic through Statistical Multiplexitng To obtain an insight into the power spectral distribution and look for better schemes for the depression and filtering of the cell jitter, within the analyses we succeed deriving the power spectrum of the cell jitter for CBR traffic Hence, not only the power spectral distribution of the cell jitter can in the frequency domain be qualitatively understood, but also can the rms (root-meansquare) value of the cell jitter be quantitatively obtained so as to more accurately measure the amplitude of the jitter In the end-to-end performance analysis of the queueing delay and cell jitter, we propose a kind of quasi-periodic cell stream model to characterize the jittered CBR traffic, and present an initial queueing analysis of the CBR traffic following such a model at a generic intermediate node Additionally, we briefly discuss the buildout/playout and Source Timing Recovery functions of the destination node Finally, regarding the Source Timing Recovery of CBR traffic, this paper systematically discusses several important principles of the cell jitter filtering and depression reported in the literature, introduces several implementation schemes of the Source Timing Recovery e.
The kinetics of aluminum adsorption and desorption by root cell walls of an aluminum resistant wheat Triticum aestivum L.
Cytologic results showed that chromosome numbers of root cell are 2n 56, and 28 bivalents can be observed at PMC MI in the six 8x Trititrigia.
It wasconfirmed that the damage of root cell membrane is one ofthe mechanisms for Al phytotoxicity.
If, however, the root cell is one of the rare tetraploid cells (a cell having four sets of chromosomes that arise spontaneously in the root), it may develop into a nodule.
The results showed that light rare earth elements adsorbed by plant root cell wall and taken up by cross-membrane were utilizable, and the total content of rare earth elements in plant root can be used for predicting bioavailability.
For example, exogenous REs, induce the extent of changes in root growth, root enzyme activities and root cell membrane permeability.
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This essay chooses the study aim from biology teachers in middle school in Shi Jiazhuang which tells us that most of the middle school biology teachers in Shi Jiazhuang have the"burnout", lower successfulness, individualize.
In measurements of a day,generallyspeaking,the photosynthesis of birch in mesophytic habitat is better than that in xerophytichabitat(peak values are 12.8,10.33μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively);that of sexual birch inmesophytic habitat is better than that of clone birch(peak values are 9.87,6.71μmolCO2m-2s-1respectively);that of young tree is better than that of seedling(peak values are12.37,10.05μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively).