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与 rock-firm 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Using the information from exploratory adit can class rock mass structure, drawing lessons from internal successful experiences in rock mass quality and weathering zone classification, dam abutment rock mass is classed by choosing quantization indices of rock mass structure, the outcome same as investigation, accord with commonly geoloical rule. Using the information from slope image can finish stability analysis of lithologic slope, get 3-D cutaway view and date, it is important datum for research engineering geoloical condition of dam abutment rock mass.


According to the change regularity of deformation modulus, combining with the rock mass structure characteristic of region studied, using interpolation method, the deformation modulus of rock mass in 36# adit can be deduced. The average vertical deformation modulus of rock mass during 0-70 zone is 39Gpa, and the horizontal deformation modulus of rock mass is 51. 3GPa in nature stress state and 50.8GPa in engineering load state. The average vertical deformation modulus of rock mass during 70-140 zone is 32. 2Gpa, and the horizontal deformation modulus of rock mass is 41GPa in nature stress state and 42. 6GPa in engineering load state. It will be a good reference of engineering design and evaluation.


The main environment geological question is: The earth"s crust where the faultage and earthquake are active is unstable; collapse , landslide, mud-rock flow and soil erosion ; The underground karst subsides, seepage question; Basic rock expand, expend and compress soil body, the salt deposit corrode out of shape and groundwater"s corrodent harm; The soft soil question of basin; The soft rock body, cracked rock and the weathering rock are relatively poor stability; High and cold regional highways and railways" frozen soils freeze and melt calamity problem; The around rock of tunnel are unstable because of the coal seam gas, spring water, underground developed area; Project cutting slopes, constructed abandon soil and reservoir, lake"s ecology geological environmental protection issue; Thedangerous shoal of the channel % submerged reef question; The problem of rebuilding channel project and dock etc.; And the problem of unstable ground and groundwater corrosivity during building airport; At the same time, with the international big pathways" implementation and completions of constructions, adjusting the cities and counties" constructions , the crowd occupy changing , the cultivated land distribute changing and the adjustments of structure, will cause local environmental geological issues outstanding; According to multiple statistical analysis , value calculate and integrated appraise result, in the northwest and southwest of Yunnan, the traffic relatively low density, traffic engineering is relatively weak impact on environment, It is the area where a environme


Through the analysis of characteristics in curve of deformation tests on the four kinds of rockmasses such as claystone, siltstone, feldspar-quartz sandstone and lithic sandstone underlain the dam foundation of Tingzikou Hydropower Station, it is thought that: the test deformation of thick lithic sandstone is mainly caused by slippage deformation of rock crystal lattice ; the test deformation of feldspar-quartz sandstone is mainly from small crevices in rock, compressive deformation of rock small holes and slippage deformation of rock crystal lattice; and the test deformation of thin layer claystone in which horizontal layer is developed and siltstone is mainly from compression deformation in interlayer, small crevices in rock, compression deformation of rock small holes and slippage deformation of rock crystal lattice.

通过对亭子口水利枢纽工程坝基下卧的黏土岩、粉砂岩、长石石英砂岩和岩屑砂岩等 4 种主要岩性的岩体变形试验曲线特征进行分析,认为:厚层岩屑砂岩的试验变形量主要来自于岩石晶格错动变形,长石石英砂岩的试验变形量主要为岩石内孔隙和空隙变形以及岩石晶格错动产生的变形,而层理较发育的薄层黏土岩和粉砂岩的试验变形量主要由层间压缩变形、岩石内孔隙和空隙变形以及岩石晶格错动产生的变形共同组成。

In this thesis, the methods of surrounding rock masses stability classification on the basis of the geological documentation of muck and the boring parameters of TBM are approached, especially as follows:①The geological documentation of muck and the boring parameters of TBM in the Yellow River Diversion Project.of shanxi province is summarized systematically;②Based on the geological documentation of muck and the boring parameters of TBM, that whether the common methods of surrounding rock masses stability (the methods of regular factor classification) classification are feasible, is carried on the discussion;③According to the corresponding relation of muck and the boring parameters of TBM and the surrounding rock masses stability type, the extension assessment method of tunnel surrounding rock masses stability classification is set up, also the corresponding fortran calculation procedure worked out, and not only rational result in conformity with the reality can be obtained, but also the stability situation of surrounding rock masses in front of the working range can be predicted according to the change of the dependent value in the application instance of Yellow River Diversion Project;④Combining with the application instance of Yellow River Diversion Project, extension assessment method in the application of surrounding rock masses stability classification is compared and verificated in detail by applying fuzzy synthesis method by forefathers, and a certain degree discussion and summary about the application achievement of surrounding rock masses stability classification, which is assessed by extension assessment method and fuzzy synthesis method, are carried on.


The comparative investigation of the characteristics of deformation and AE were conducted and the results are presented as followed: 1. The characteristics of rock AE are correlated to the strength, joints, cracks, and the size and hardness of crystalline grain. 2. The sequence of AE can be divided into four phases: beginning phase, tempestuousness phase, drop phase and dreariness phase. The loss and the duration of the phases are correlated to the rock character and flaws in the rock. 3. The AE rate characteristics are not almost concordant with the AE energy rate. 4. Besides the homogeneity, the strength of rock contributes the activity of AE. The higher the strength is, the lower the activity is. 5. There is a dreariness phase before the failure of most kinds of rock. 6. Whether the precursor is obvious is correlated to rock the character, and the precursor of AE rate is more apparent than the precursor of AE energy rate comparatively.


Big Rock Candy Mountain 】◎One evening as the sun went down And the jungle fire was burning Down the track came a hobo hikin' And he said, boys, I'm not turning I'm headed for a land that's far away Beside the crystal fountains ◎So come with me, we'll go and see the big rock candy mountains In the big rock candy mountains There's a land that's fair and bright Where the handouts grow on bushes And you sleep out every night Where the boxcars all are empty And the sun shines every day On the birds and the bees and the cigarette trees The lemonade springs where the bluebird sings In the big rock candy mountains ◎In the big rock candy mountains All the cops have wooden legs And the bulldogs all have rubber teeth And the hens lay soft-boiled eggs The farmers' trees are full of fruit And the barns are full of hay Oh, I'm bound to go where there ain't no snow Where the rain don't fall,the wind don't blow In the big rock candy mountains ◎In the big rock candy mountains You never change your socks And the little streams of alcohol Come a-trickling down the rocks The brakemen have to tip their hats And the railroad bulls are blind There's a lake of stew and of whiskey, too You can paddle all around 'em in a big canoe In the big rock candy mountains...

在那天傍晚日落的时候如同野火在林中蔓延沿着那小路走来一位旅行者他说,男孩们,我决不会回头我一定要到那远方的国度或许就在水晶泉的旁边所以跟我远走高飞吧,我们终将到达那巨石糖果山在巨石糖果山里有个公正明亮的国度灌木从中生长着必需品你可日日在外露宿在那里箱车都是空的每一天都那么晴朗鸟儿和蜜蜂在烟草树周围徘徊蓝鸟在柠檬水的喷泉中放歌在在巨石糖果山里在巨石糖果山里警察的腿都是木桩子公狗的牙都是橡胶的母鸡们生的是荷包蛋果农的树上果实遍布干草也会堆满了马厩 Oh,我一定要去那个没有冰雪的地方雨水不会冲击,狂风不会怒吼在巨石糖果山里在巨石糖果山里你可以不换袜子还有淌着酒的河流如果从岩石上滑下来修补匠们就的去补他们的帽子会有挡在铁轨上的瞎公牛威士忌和炖肉的小湖你可以把它们都搬到船上在巨石糖果山里在巨石糖果山里监狱是用罐头围成即使你被关进去也可以马上再出来这里没有短柄铲子没有斧子,锯子或是镐你我可终日呼呼大睡蠢人才会去工作在巨石糖果山里我将看到你们全都会堕落在巨石糖果山里

The study provided 2 kinds of finish systems which were pouring and anchoring rock-wool panel respectively. In general, galvanizing steel-meshwork using machine anchor can use all kinds of Rock-wool panel made in China. The interface mortar used in Rock-wool can prevent worker's hand from hurting and improve the water-proof capability and bonding intensity of rock-wool panel. The low-heat conductivity of polystyrene foaming granule paste improved the integer and anti-crack of system. The 2 kinds of rock-wool system all can resolve the current rock-wool panel applied difficulty in outer-wall external thermal insulation.


The study provided 2 kinds of finish systems which were pouring and anchoring rock-wool panel respectively. In general, galvanizing steel-meshwork using machine anchor can use all kinds of Rock-wool panel made in China. The interface mortar used in Rock-wool can prevent worker's hand from hurting and improve the water-proof capability and bonding intensity of rock-wool panel. The low-heat conductivity of polystyrene foaming granule paste improved the integer and anti-crack of system. The 2 kinds of rock-wool system all can resolve the current rock-wool panel applied difficulty in outer-wall external thermal insulation. The rock-wool external thermal insulation which has very nice fire-proof capability can apply any kinds of builds, especially high-rise buildings.


In engineering application, we think that the rock laboratory experiments may simulate and reshow rock bursts considering the conditions of coupled static-dynamic loads and rock burst and their comparison. Energy demand of rock burst occurring is revealed through analyzing energy transition of rock failure process under coupled static-dynamic loads. At the same time, the rule of energy utilization under coupled static-dynamic loads is discovered; the measures for rock cracking by utilizing high stress condition in deep rock mass and energy utilization improving are found.


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Rock-A-Bye Rock
Rock! Rock! Till You Drop
Live To Rock (Rock To Live)
Rock 'n' Roll, Rock 'n' Roll
Rock Rock Rock
Jibun Rock (じぶん Rock)
Rock 4 Rock
Rock That Rock
Rock-A-Rock Around With Ollie Vee
Rock, Rock, Rock

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
