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与 rock-firm 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Through residencies at intimate local hideaways and nights before sold-out crowds at Boston's famed Paradise Rock Club and Avalon, Perrone has fused bonds with audiences, honed his craft -- and picked up a 2005 Boston Music Award nomination for Best Local Male Vocal along the way.

经过在自己的住处避世锤炼,和在波士顿著名的Paradise Rock Club和Avalon里疯狂的人群前的演出,Perrone不仅将听众和自己紧紧地融合在了一起,也不断历练了自己的技艺。于是顺理成章的在2005年获得了波士顿音乐本地最佳男歌手奖的提名。

Jackie Big Tits" is the uncut retelling of those slanderous allegations scrawled indelibly all over public transport since Jimmy first caught the train back in '65, and impressive singles "Eddie's Gun" and "Sofa Song" talk about the girls that made him buy the ticket.And, though tracks like "I Want You Back chase familiar shadows, they show that despite their flirtation with a number of genres,(sun-drenched pop, dead-ahead rock 'n' roll, 90's Britpop,brain-juddering ska …a few songs even giving off distinct traces of, whisper it - 'emo'), The Kooks have already managed to boil it all down and cook up their own sound.

Jackie Big Tits是对1965年Jimmy刚搭上这趟车的时候社会上流传的造谣诽谤与中伤的复现,Eddie's Gun和Sofa Song这两首令人印象深刻的单曲讲的是关于让Jimmy动心的女孩的故事,即使有像I Want You Back这样似曾相识的曲目,且混合了多种风格(sun-drenched pop,,dead-ahead rock 'n' roll,,90's Britpop,brain-juddering ska等等一些曲目甚至放出了独特的EMO风)但是他们已经找到了吸收之后消化的办法,这是他们自己的声音。

Big Rock Beer is one of few remaining true, premium Canadian breweries left, producing very unique, premium ales and lagers made with all natural ingredients and using traditional methods of brewing.

Big Rock Beer 是硕果少存的纯正优质加拿大精酿啤酒制造商,专门生产独特高品质的麦酒与淡啤酒,采用纯天然原料,以传统方法酿造。

I think they trivialise what we do, and punk rock in general.

我觉得他们轻视我们的努力,总体上说是整个Punk Rock界。

Jackson was crowned the King of Pop back before new media helped crack the monolith of radio pop into innumerable subgenres, from hip-hop and house to praise rock and adult contemporary.

在新媒体把他数量巨大的电台流行单曲按 hip-hop 、 house 、 rock 和 adult contemporary 分类之前,杰克逊的&流行之王&皇冠已经丢失了。

But the duet on "Rock You" is too insistent — but more the canny calculation of Departure is appealing, as McCartney has a weakness for big melodic hooks, a weakness that is better heard here than on "Bleeding Love"(his own version of which is added as a bonus track to some international pressings of the album).

的制作人的确是很有一手,但是轮到《Rock You》就不一样了。过于节奏化的曲风是McCartney的软肋,同Jesse版本的《Bleeding Love》相比,这首歌中暴露出Jesse的这个缺点更明显。

Within a few hours after posting a photo of Steve Jobs' Mercedes spotted outside the Yerba Buena Center, the location of Apple 's 'Let's Rock' event on Tuesday, comments and controversy began to emerge along with a flood of email inquiries.

在刊登一张Jobs驾驶的奔驰停靠在Yerba Buena中心(Apple &Let's Rock&活动场所)的照片后,我们立刻收到了大量的回复和邮件询问。

White and well-to-do Ethan is comfortable in his music ministry at the media-savvy suburban mega-church, The Rock; Jake is a street smart African-American who ministers to the gang members, teen mothers, and drug addicts of the urban Second Chance.

伊森在深受媒体青睞,身处摩登时髦的超级白人教区The Rock,快乐的作他音乐传教的工作;而黑人的杰克则是专门走闯街头的传教士,期望能為帮派份子,未婚妈妈及吸毒者创造人生的第二个机会。

Sweetened rye whiskey, sometimes bottled with rock candy syrup and fruit slices.

Rock and Rye (加糖裸麦威士忌,有时瓶装酒会有冰糖糖浆及水果片,如柠檬、橙、樱桃

Gated/reverse reverb - I like to use on pop/rock drums - bass - E. guitar

门限混响和反向混响-我喜欢在POP/ROCK 鼓-贝司-电吉他上用。

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Rock-A-Bye Rock
Rock! Rock! Till You Drop
Live To Rock (Rock To Live)
Rock 'n' Roll, Rock 'n' Roll
Rock Rock Rock
Jibun Rock (じぶん Rock)
Rock 4 Rock
Rock That Rock
Rock-A-Rock Around With Ollie Vee
Rock, Rock, Rock

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This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
