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与 rock-firm 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

How about let's have a photo workshop at Ayers Rock and the Great Barrier Reef

让我们在Ayers Rock和大堡礁有个摄影研讨会,如何

For those of you who have the interest and the determination to go to Ayers Rock in central Australia, contact twkissbuck.

你们那些有兴趣和决心要去澳洲中部Ayers Rock的人,连络twkissbuck,你们将有趟很有趣的旅行。

Frente the 'anti rock band' from Australia composed of singer Angie Hart, guitarist Simon Austin, bassist Bill McDonald, drummer Alaister Barden and keyboardist Fraiser Brandly, were recently in town promoting their new album Shape, where we hooked up for an interview.

Frente,这只澳洲走"anti rock"风格的乐团成员包括:主音Angie Hart、吉他手Simon Austin、贝司手Bill McDonald、鼓手Alaister Barden和键盘Fraiser Brandly,他们正在城里(哪个城就不清楚了,估计在美国,反正是采访他们所在的那个)宣传他们的新专辑《shape》(这段介绍估计是96年写的,96年他们出的第二张专辑),所以我们特意约了一次采访。

See! Llao Rock, a gigantic basaltic flow by the left side of the lake with snow covering almost half of its top.

瞧! Llao Rock,一个在湖左边的巨大玄武岩,积雪几乎将它顶端的一半都盖住了。

Entering the bar, you will be fascinated by blue, Rock music and feel great.


Jamaica enjoys warm weather all year round, never mind the famous Bobsled team, the only ice you will encounter is in a "cooler" chilling Red Stripe or Real Rock beer or in a glass of fine Jamaican rum punch.

牙买加终年气候宜人,别介意那支著名的雪橇队,你唯一能看到的冰块是放在 Red Stripe 啤酒或者 Real Rock 啤酒中,或者是放在一杯上好的加糖、柠檬酸、香料的牙买加朗姆酒中,是作冷却用的。

With that windfall, Baekeland, his wife Celina(known as "bonbon") and two children moved to Snug Rock, a palatial estate north of Yonkers, N.Y., overlooking the Hudson River

有了这笔意外之财,贝克兰及其妻子塞丽娜和他们的两个孩子移居到了Snug Rock,那是位于纽约州扬克斯北部的一处可以俯瞰哈得逊河的豪华别墅。

Rock-Eval analysis and kerogen degradations show that most of the kerogens from the strata section are over mature. Only the kerogen acquired from Hongshuizhuang Formation can meet the chemolysis and thermolysis of kerogen.


At first it was thought to be a meteor impact crater due to its circularity but this has since been disproven due to the lack of shock-altered rock in its vicinity.

首先他被认为是一个陨石撞击而产生的陨石坑,因为它呈现的是一个圆的形状;但是这个说法已经被推翻,因为它的坑内附近缺乏陨石撞击会产生的变质岩石(shock-altered rock)。

Another music hit, Rock Band, goes even further with guitar, microphone and drum-kit controllers.

另一部音乐游戏Rock Band更是将吉它、麦克风和架子鼓都弄成了控制器。

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Rock-A-Bye Rock
Rock! Rock! Till You Drop
Live To Rock (Rock To Live)
Rock 'n' Roll, Rock 'n' Roll
Rock Rock Rock
Jibun Rock (じぶん Rock)
Rock 4 Rock
Rock That Rock
Rock-A-Rock Around With Ollie Vee
Rock, Rock, Rock

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
