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与 river-borne 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The main sedimentary facies are braided river, braided river delta, lacustrine, subfacies and mocrofacies.


It is found that the west slope in the Eastern Sag has the formation condition of braided river delta, the development area and stratigraphic position of braided river delta sedimentary system are defined, and the subfacies and microfacies are identified.


We have taked sedimentary facies research on the second member of Shanxi formation of Changbei gas field, this area pertained to marine facies braid river delta sedimentary system, we have gived a detailed discriiption on different subfacies, microfacies, sandbody's sedimentary character and distribution for the braid river delta sedimentary system.


The results show there are many sedimentary microfacies inⅠoil formation in Xing'anling Group, such as submerged branch channel, distributary mouth bar, and distal bar in braided\|river delta front and main groove and embankment in sublacustrine fan, and the submerged branch channel in braided\|river delta front is dominant.


According to the theory of hierarchical description of reservoir, geological entities of different orders is described step by step in Lamadian oil-field, and the technical standards which can be convenient to manipulate is established. Otherwise 7 kinds of fine depositional models such as large-sized depositional sandbody of braided river, meandering river, low-sinuosity-straight distributary channel, crevasse channel, channel bar, subwater distrbutary channel and sandsheets are established.


I still remembered that water supply had been cut off in a heavy raining day, I had to fetch water from the river. The earthworms were drowned to death and became white and floated in the river, and swang around my feet. However, I still fetched two barrels of water home.


I still remembered that water supply had been cut off in a heavy raining day, I had to fetch water from the river. The earthworms were drowned to death and became w你好te and floated in the river, and swang around my feet. However, I still fetched two barrels of water home.


The average sequence divergence between individuals was 0.0006, while the range within a population and between populations were both 0-0.0013. Fst values were 0.0704, 0.0491, and 0.0792 for Cox1, ND1, and the combination of both genes. These data showed significant genetic variances (P.05) among geographic populations. The taimen populations in Heilongjiang River could be divided into four subpopulations based on Fst values between these geographic populations. However, these populations shared one common haplotype (BH11) shown by haplotype network and haplotype distribution frequency analysis. This suggested that they evolved from a common ancestor (likely a population in the upstream of the Heilongjiang river) and shared common gene flows.


Key: As we all know in history of mankind there appeared the Mesopotamian civilizat ion in West Asia, the ancient Egyptian civilization along the Nile in North Af rica, the ancient Greek-Roman civilization along the northern bank of the Medi terranean, the ancient Indian civilization in the Indus River Valley in South Asia, and the Chinese civilization originating in the Yellow and Yangtze River Valleys.


He made the development of Anhui river drainage area plan in detail, propose form in the round namely terraqueous traffic system, energetically wadi of punish edge river, build the mart that is bibcock with lake of overgrown with weeds, Anqing, use resource dominant position effectively, expand production of industry and agriculture, the economy that promotes this area flies and the society develops.


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Cry Me A River
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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
