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与 river-borne 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The famous Leshan Giant Buddha, the world culture inheritance, is situated at the affluxes place of Minjiang River, Dadu River, the Qingyi Jiang River.


Electronic map of MapInfo is introduced into the environment of object oriented by the use of Map X 4.0 module. The operations such as dynamic add, delete and edit of objects can be done real-time dynamically by operators in the environment of object oriented on the present diagram of polder region. At the same time, the spatial-data and attribute-data of irrigation district are managed separately. The spatial-data is used by the file system, whereas, the attribute-data exist in the relevent database. The figures and database are related through the only ID number in order to realize two-way inquiry, so that, the polder region river system planning data are collected automatically. Moreover, this system make the great use of GIS advantage in storing and annalising data to automatically organize files needed in river network calculation , adopt one-dimensional unsteady flow model , so as to lay out height of river levee .


Due to use of harmful pesticides, insecticides, rich soil nutrients for agriculture, annual mass bathing and daily washing activities, the usual practice of dumping of solid waste, many of which may be non-biodegradable and toxic, effluents either from domestic sources including hotels, resorts and ashrams or industrial sources, continuous removal of the sand and stones from river beds, destructive fishing methods, construction work going on in river such as dams and channelization, deforestation, chemicals and many other reasons , the list of which is long have impede the natural physical, chemical and biological quality of river Ganga.


Luozha River is a first branch of Lancang River in its middle section. A less known deciduous monsoon forest was recently discovered on the dry-hot banks of Luozha River. The deciduous monsoon forest is 15-20 m tall with Lannea coromandelica Colona floribunda. Mallotus philippensis as the dominant tree species, and Microstegium ciliatum Eupatorium odoratum、Ageratum conyzoides are the dominant species in the shrub-herb layer.

对罗扎河下游鲜为人知的落叶季雨林进行了群落生态学研究,结果表明:罗扎河下游落叶季雨林群落高度在15~20m之间;群落乔木层以厚皮树、一担柴、粗糠柴、毛果扁担杆、灰毛浆果楝等树种为优势种;灌草层以刚莠竹盖度最大,其余如飞机草、藿香蓟、蹄盖蕨Athyrium sp。

First of all, we try to outline the distribution and spread of the Buddhism in Huaihe river valley by the study of the Buddhism temples, josses, sculptures on the cliff; the degree of the development of Buddhism; and the relations between the Buddhism and classes in society. Secondly, in order to know the status and influence of the Buddhism in Huaihe river valley of that time in the history of Chinese Buddhism, we study the communication in Buddhism between Huaihe river valley and other area, and its effect to the development of the Buddhism of the Sui dynasty and the Tang dynasty. Finally, we researched the non-religious social activities of the monks in the fangji jobs and in the war.


Kwanza River, Bengo River, Shindand River flows through.


There is a second son with his girlfriend to the river to take a walk, suddenly his girlfriend into the river, is the son of a hurry to jump to go to the water, can not find his girlfriend, he sad to leave here, too For a few years later, he travelled peers, at this time see a Lao Busi in fishing, the old Wangbagaozai catch of the fish did not water plants, he asked that the old Tulv why fish is not Zhandao Aquatic plants, old Wangbagaozai said: You丫the brain out, ah, this long-off from the river water plants.


Against the background of multi-regional economic cooperation including the Pan-Pearl River Delta Economic Cooperation and the M-shaped China-ASEAN economic cooperation, the Xijiang River Basin should develop itself and take part in the multi-regional cooperation by relying on its own geographical advantages, rich natural resources, rich history and culture, age-old economic development and rich experiences in foreign cooperation, relying on the golden watercourse of the Xijiang River and its solid industrial foundation, reorganizing the resources and industries of the cities and counties, making appropriate planning of agriculture, industry, trade, and tourism, improving its own capacity and competitiveness, and enhancing cooperation and exchanges with the economically developed regions.


The assessment result shows: the infirm zone of the aquifer basically distributes in the limestone area of low Ordovician -top Cambrian, which the cranny is uncovered and overgrown, the area is also the direct recharge area of spring basin. In addition , in the rivers valley area of Jin xiuchuan and Bei sha river, because the leakage of the river is serious, the contamination can leak easily to the groundwater in the area of surface and near the river, so this area also is the infirm zone. Frail zone distributes in the uncovered area of mid-Cambrian which the canny upgrowth is commonly, parts of the zone distributes the relatively impervious layer such as shale. In the north-west area where is the down-rivers of two rivers, the alluvium is thick, the protection to the limestone is good.


According to the Minneapolis Riverfront District Web site, the steel arch bridge was opened in 1967. Its longest span stretches 458 feet over the river, and it was constructed with no mid-river piers to facilitate river traffic.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
