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与 river-borne 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bellick has the tables turned on him upon his return to Fox River Penitentiary. Michael and Lincoln are taken into custody to be transported back to Fox River, forcing Mahone and Kellerman to take drastic measures to ensure that the brothers make it to the prison morgue instead of their cells.

Bellick回到Fox River监狱,不过风水轮流转,这回他的身份变成了犯人;Michael和Lincoln被抓并即将遣返Fox River监狱,但是Mahone和Kellerman要想尽一切手段保证兄弟俩被送往监狱的停尸间,而不是监狱的牢房,此时一个意想不到的同盟者

Redbands include anadromous steelhead forms such as the "redsides" of the Columbia River system above the Columbia River Gorge and similar fish from the Fraser River system above Fraser Canyon and the most inland parts of the Sacramento River , Klamath River and others flowing into the Pacific.

红带鳟也有溯河的刚头型如分布于 Columbia River 水系 Columbia River 峡谷以上部分的"红边";还分布于有 Fraser River 水系 Fraser 峡谷以上部分、 Sacramento River 、 Klamath River 和其它一些流入太平洋的河中的类似的鱼。

No longer do many cities in the United States have a river as the focal point of urban life , but in San Antonio the river winds through the middle of the business district, and the River, or Paseo del Rio, is the city's most popular.

我今天又看了一遍,好像and the river是和but后面的the river平行的,那么仅仅是两个分句的并列,为什么and前面有逗号呢??

Unlike many United States cities, where a river is no longer the focal point of urban life, the river in San Antonio winds through the middle of the business district, and the River, or Paseo del Rio, is the city's most popular.

答案是E。他说B的错误是which离US最近,所以他指代的是US不是the river,我觉得这样的解释很牵强,我们曾经做过无数的指代稍微远的题,这是否为硬伤?

Referenced sub-drainage basins were selected in the upper reaches of the Madao main river way, and topographic parameters were obtained using software of River Tools in each sub-drainage. Monthly runoff simulations were then applied to them with the same parameters as Madao catchment, the responses of runoff simulation to topographic parameters were studied, and the Normalization of Runoff-total Length Index were presented. Analyses indicate that NRLI is influenced by source density. NRLI fluctuates tempestuously as source density decreases sharply.

在此基础上从马道出水站点沿主河道往上游再选取6个控制点,运用River Tools软件提取出各个控制点控制流域和地形参数,分析参数变化情况,并在此基础上用前面率定好的参数来模拟各个控制点处的出口流量,分析径流对地形参数变化的响应关系,并提出了归一化径流-河道总长比指数。

Redbands include anadromous steelhead forms such as the "redsides" of the Columbia River system above the Columbia River Gorge and similar fish from the Fraser River system above Fraser Canyon and the most inland parts of the Sacramento River , Klamath River and others flowing into the Pacific.

红带鳟也有溯河的刚头型如分布于 Columbia River 水系 Columbia River 峡谷以上部分的&红边&;还分布于有 Fraser River 水系 Fraser 峡谷以上部分、 Sacramento River 、 Klamath River 和其它一些流入太平洋的河中的类似的鱼。

It happened in Lytham, a town on the River Ribble, near to the place where the river flows into the Irish Sea.

故事发生在利瑟姆,里布河(River Ribble边的一个小镇,他离这条河入爱尔兰诲的地方很近。

When I arrived in the dock, the sun rose. The yacht became white and lake was green at the time when sunshine burst out from the right of the lake, especially that fire-red river flowers. Sunrise makes river flowers as red as fire and the spring brings green and blue river water.

日出江花红胜火 Sunrise makes river flowers as red as fire 一到码头恰好赶上朝阳初照,光芒从湖的右边射过来,映得游艇白,湖水碧,尤其岸上的那珠&江花&火红,真个是&日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝&。

Yangtze River glacier retreat has little to do with human factors Yangtze River glacier retreat has little to do with human factors Shangguan Dong-hui said that the short term, the glacier melt water to the Yangtze River has brought plenty of water, the surface, in the Northwest seems to be a good thing, but this supply led to the uneven seasonal river runoff in winter The early release of melt water, resulting in spring flood summer drought.

Yangtze River glacier retreat has little to do with human factors ;是由上海埃非凯阀门有限公司提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海埃非凯阀门有限公司还生产疏水阀隔膜阀旋塞阀柱塞阀鸭嘴阀及电动调速蝶阀,气动通风蝶阀,美标波纹管闸阀,c,平行式双闸板闸阀,欢迎您的选购。)长江源冰川的退缩与人为因素关系不大上官冬辉说,短期内,冰川的融水给长江带来了充沛的水量,表面上看,对西北地区似乎是一件好事,但是,这种补给导致江河的径流量季节性不均,冬季的融水提前释放,从而造成春汛夏旱。

Heavy crude such as Maya crude from Mexico, and the Canadian heavy crude, Bow River and Peace River, have also contributed to changing production dynamics at refineries producing asphalts.

诸如来自墨西哥的Maya原油,加拿大的重原油,Bow River and Peace River,同样有助于改变精炼厂生产沥青的动力。

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Cry Me A River
Cry Me A River
Cold River
Moon River
Tennessee River
Green River
Red River
Down On The River
Swanee River Rock (Talkin' 'Bout That River)

The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
