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The heart drum is beaten by invisible hands with music Oh, they are kissing, the young lovers So devoted, so spongy, and so rioted Gaze twists gaze, permeating cool green Don't know if a vine enlaces a tree or a tree wraps a vine as if when mouth touches mouth a magic wand comes out to turn stone into gold and freezes the flowing time to eternity The wind is fanning, like Cupid is calling The lawn under feet is turning into a flying carpet and carrying the young lovers blessed by Aladdin lamp flying to the sky of poetry flying to two people's castle Their bodies are made by water So soft, just like water Sunlight kisses water wave Fishes spring to the surface from the bottom as if two mouth leaning close to each other Oh, don't disturb them Let them send out ripple to the surface from heartbeat of spray and finally makeup a perfect ring Many years after, when time elapses like water memory wash gray hair on head you still can recognize that moment dyed by sunshine those two faces, two sunflowers
They rioted and attacked officials who tried to take them.
B. They rioted in protest against the government.
他们 并反对抗议政府。
Chinese student rioted to innocent Korean citizen, American, and foreigner in seoul.
He rioted abroad for a brief term, living by his wits.
They rioted in the streets.
In subsequent votes, it has cried foul; some of its supporters rioted for months after the ballots were counted.
He rioted his life out.
George was a wicked king who rioted in evil living.
On Tuesday, hundreds of workers rioted outside a toy factory in neighbouring Dongguan.
- 推荐网络例句
With Death guitarist Schuldiner adopting vocal duties, the band made a major impact on the scene.
But he could still end up breakfasting on Swiss-government issue muesli because all six are accused of nicking around 45 million pounds they should have paid to FIFA.
Closes the eye, the deep breathing, all no longer are the dreams as if......