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ring-pull can相关的网络例句

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与 ring-pull can 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

PTMC and PDTC can be prepared by ring-opening homopolymerizations of trimethylene carbonate and 2,2-dimethyltrimethylene carbonate respectively.


This turnable can be rotated in its own plane about its axis A. and is mounted on gimbals within a ring.

此内转台可在其自身平面内绕其轴线 A转动,并装在一个位于圆环里面的常平架上。

Testicular descent can get arrested at any point from the renal hilum to the external inguinal ring. Of all the undescended testes, 90% to 95% are low and in the inguinal canal.


To realize single longitudinal-mode of the fiber laser, a ring configuration is devised. The single longitudinal-mode operation is realized by using a fiber Bragg grating as wavelength-selective element and a unpumped 2m-loog erbium-doped fiber which can produce stading-wave saturation effects in the cavity, Its tunable wavelength range is 42 nm, the output power is more than 3.5 dBm and the stability is less than ±0.005 dB.


The results showed that the addition leading to -2-phenyl-2-(2-vinylpiperidin-1-yl) ethanol 7 could proceed with good diastereoselectivity and excellent yield (95%).(3) The selective N-deprotection of -2-phenyl-2-(2-vinylpiperidin-1-yl) ethanol 2 without affecting the vinyl group in the substrate were untaken.(4) The Zip reaction for the transformation of -1-(3-aminopropyl)-3-methylazecan-2-one 8 to -7-Methyl-1, Sdiaza-cyclotetradecan-6-one 9 were undertaken. The results showed that, under controlled conditions, acceptable yields (43%) could be achieved and racemization can be minimized during the ring expansion reaction.


By the study of the relationship between vegetation and spatial characteristics of UHI, the mainly spatial characteristics of UHI has been analyzed and it was:(1) The terrain of the suburbs is higher than the urban region, the gradient of the terrain height is small, and this geomorphological featrue is conducive to assemble of the heat, the UHI phenomenon of Changsha is obvious especially in the summer night;(2) The UHI distribution is similar to the outline of the urban construction. The LST of urban is 3-5℃ higher than the flat low areas close around the city, and 6-8℃ higher than further areas. The region which has the most obvious UHI phenomenon is the region surrounded by the second city ring road, and the UHI phenomenon gradually weakened from the city centre to suburb;(3) The impact of geomorphological character to UHI is notable, the relationship between vegetation index and UHI is Anti-related, it was indicated that the improvement of the vegetational status is very important to the elimination of UHI phenomenon, the implementation of the urban green land planning can reduce UHI effect.


Rangeability, an d can b e con vertible t o reduced bore ty pe(60%, 40% reduce) by changing seal ring only.


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Arms of Wei of Liu of reporter of report from our correspondent reports: By Jin Dieyou dealer network holds " conduct financial transactions has method, be expert in making money --, online government serves " experience of countrywide large user can be in Guangzhou to ring down the curtain a few days ago.

本报讯 记者刘伟兵报道:由金蝶友商网举办的&理财有术,生财有道———在线治理服务&全国大型用户体验会日前在广州落幕。500家中小企业财务人员、业务人员、企业负责人、财经院校师生代表出席并共同体验基于互联网的在线治理服务。

You can call in or ring me up.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
