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- 与 ring back 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Although he was well prepared, he felt and involuntary chill on his back at the thought of fighting in the boxing ring with the world champion.
In your first fight with Marquez, he seemed to fall back into a countering-punch style attack using his boxing skill and ring generalship.
One or more flashes will melt the constantan back to form an "area" junction with the copper ring.
For "T" type junctions, the copper can be given a turn around the constantan to keep it from melting back too rapidly from the arc area. Start with the constantan extended beyond the copper ring a short
The door opened; now there would be the chink of curtain ring as the curtains were drawn back.
At such a critical time,kumur,our hero,who is the master dancing the Ring of Fire ,makes his great effort flowing from the encirclement.the profound feelings between the two brothers moving the people present,Rao and Aidan waves to the brothers who regains free.having found their mother,they go back to their animal world,the original beauty of the jungle belongs to them, and they continue to be this beautiful part ......
A case in point for this, I believe, is what happened to me a year ago in Albuquerque (right after the below-described encounter with a 'mystery man') when I spotted the same person one night walking across a dimly-lit area at the same time that a sudden shrill, high-pitched tiny ring began emanating from the back of my head at the base of my skull.
这有个例子,我相信,它是1年前在 Albuquerque 发生在我身上(刚好在那后,下面那叙述的遇到一个'神秘的男人'),当我发现同一人在晚上穿过一个阴暗的地区在同一时间,突然一声尖声的,尖锐的小铃音开始从我的头部,在我头骨的底部发出。
Eventually ring is noisy, lamplight one black, old man hold back long thing eventuate...
And I wonder if that isn't a better way (in my family's case, anyway) to approach Alzheimer's, a malady that for us has had a decided fairy tale ring to it, one of those stories where a beautiful lady is cast under a wicked spell that makes her lose her whole life - only to get it back again, better than ever, by the closing paragraph.
Elaborated the punching components formation principle, the basic dies structure and the rate process and the principle of design; and designed some conventional punching die:the die for big diameter three direction pipe which solved the problom of traditional machining,the drawing and punching compound die with float punch-matrix,the drawing and cutting compound dies with unaltered press,the compound die for the back bowl of the noise keeper,the design of the compound die which could produce two workpieces in one punching,the bending die for the ring shape part ,the bending die which used the gemel ,automate loading die for cutting, the drawing,punching and burring compound dies with sliding automated loading,the punching die for the long pipe with two row of hole,the drawing die for the square box shape workpiece and the burring die for the box shape workpiece.
- 推荐网络例句
It has been put forward that there exists single Ball point and double Ball points on the symmetrical connecting-rod curves of equilateral mechanisms.
The factory affiliated to the Group primarily manufactures multiple-purpose pincers, baking kits, knives, scissors, kitchenware, gardening tools and beauty care kits as well as other hardware tools, the annual production value of which reaches US$ 30 million dollars.
The eˉtiology of hemospermia is complicate,but almost of hemospermia are benign.