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They called it "infection of the germ", a neat instance of a modern sounding phrase with an obsolete meaning: the fetus permanently affecting the mother's reserve eggs. this idea was given its impressive greek name, telegony ("at a distance"and "offspring") by august weismann (1834–1914), the german biologist whose rigorous separation of somatic and germinal cells cast doubt on the inheritance of acquired characteristics. weismann believed his notion of the germ plasm could explain telegony, should it be shown to exist, but he doubted its reality.

他们称之为"细菌感染",意思是"胎儿永久影响母亲的储备卵子"。august weismann(1834年~1914年,德国生物学家)给这一理论起了一个令人印象深刻的希腊名字, telegony ("距离"和"后代"),他仔细的分离肉体和生发细胞,对特征遗传提出质疑。weismann相信他的关于遗传物质的概念可以解释telegony,它可能是真的,但weismann怀疑其真实性。

Territoriality of intellectual property doesn t amount to rigorous territorialism.


Territoriality of intellectual property ; rigorous territorialism ; extraterritorial effects ; territorial connecting factor


Kant's proof of the moral faith is itself not a rigorous testification of God's existence, but a plead for the necessity and rationality of believing in God.


If I am the parent, I must bea rigorous father rather thana sympathetic mather, because my child is not allowed to be weak.


If I am the parent, I must bea rigorous father rather thana sympathetic mather, because my child is not allowed to be weak. This is a crucial world, I'd rather them get used to my hardheartednessfirstly than face a more crucial world outside without any psychological awareness.


The requirements reflect the intention of the School to provide an education that is theologically informed, professionally competent, academically rigorous, and...


Our system ensures that documents go through a rigorous checking process to ensure accuracy and thoroughness.


But it requires rigorous self-discipline to be concerned with, to care about those who are different.


Relying on the sophisticated equipments and the quality raw materials overseas, the company each month produces over 100, 000 brand-new compatible ink and remanufactured ink, and 50, 000 new compatible and remanufactured toner cartridge under rigorous quality control mechanism.

依靠先进的设备和优质的原材料在海外,该公司每月生产超过100个, 000全新的兼容墨水和再造墨水和50个, 000个新的兼容和再造碳粉盒根据严格的质量控制机制。

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If you are committed to an education career, then the Master of Arts in Education from Ashford University is for you.


objective:to explore the expression of survivin protein and its mrna in rectal cancer and their clinic significance.


9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
