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与 rigorous 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Of course, everybody has a right to choose a lifestyle. I don't wish to swim with the tide just to get the seemingly rigorous style, and longing for the mediocre happiness is only my lifestyle, despite the saying "if you don't fight now, when will it be". My own interrogation has certainly gone sideways.


However, the view that the meaning could be certain can find its refuge in the theories of logical positivism.Quine, who knew logical positivism very well, made an expert and rigorous attack upon its vital points. As a result, the "criteria of synonymity" and the "reduction" were collapsed.


The company has rigorous technological teams of a fine craftsmanship,style.produced " brilliant "" schumannter " series pianos,Adjust a teacher to adjust repeatedly through outstanding temperament every one It's excellent acoustics quality and stronger expression take the fancy of professional personage and music-lover in the domestic place.


Tallulah accept the "gentlemen's" magazine interview revealed that she had planned to study quantum physics at the California Institute of Technology degree, she will Years is likely to give up movie star and underwear model fashion life, diverted when a rigorous quantum physicists.


Based on the rigorous analysis of the kinetic process of both primary and secondary electrons, the related surface charges were analyzed, and the energy gain of emitted electrons was proportional to the square of the ratio between the tangential and normal component of electric field. In this process, the image force of mirror charges would result in an energy loss. Meanwhile, the effect of field alternation of power frequency ac voltage on electron movement could be ignored.

在前人工作的基础上,进一步严格推导了场致一次发射电子和二次电子的运动方程,分析了电子发射引起的绝缘材料表面带电,表明电子发射后的能量增益正比于场强的切向与法向分量比值 F /// F ^的二次方;同时考虑了在电子发射和运动过程中电荷镜像力的作用,并探讨了交流电压下表面带电的情形,认为当考虑电荷镜像力的作用时,电子的能量增益可能变小,而工频交流电压下电场交变对电子运动的影响可以忽略。

It's an important but daunting task, not least because it is hard to isolate sufficient amounts of well-defined tannin fractions to do rigorous experiments with.


Since we come in the 21th century, although the voice of freetrade is very high, the commerce protection has been in existence at large. Due to the restrict of traditioanal commerce protection such as quota system and tariff wall, the developed countries begin to establish more rigorous and more hidden commerce protection. They establish a lot of technique barrier to treat the developing countries unfairly.


Clothing inspecting goods, wool shirt inspecting goods, request: Above three years produce the processing or the related profession work experience, the familiar each kind of needle, the tatting lining, English read-write is fluent, the age does not limit, the work straight, is rigorous, is solid.


Hence, great importance was attached to the teaching of rhetoric, which developed from century to century with an ever more rigorous technicalism, precision, and systematization.


This idea was given its impressive Greek name, telegony ("at a distance"and "offspring") by August Weismann (1834–1914), the German biologist whose rigorous separation of somatic and germinal cells cast doubt on the inheritance of acquired characteristics.

这一学说在19世纪一直得到科学界的认可: Claude Bernard, Charles Darwin和其他许多精明的观察家接受了观测证据,并阐述理论进行解释。

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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
