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The results show that the RIEMS can simulate the pattem and seasonal cycle of standard deviation of surface temperature and precipitation. Meanwhile,RIEMS is unable to simulate inter-annual variability of precipitation in April and July, although it does pretty well for January and October precipitation.


In this paper, RIEMS(Regional Environment Integrated Modeling System)designed by TEA-RC(START Regional Center for Temperate East Asia)was used to run a 10-year simulation in East Asia to analyze and assess the statistical behavior of RIEMS by the means of analyzing mean climate, extreme events and inter-annual variability. NCEP reanalysis data are used as driving fields.

中文题名区域气候模式对东亚气候及其年际变率的模拟和分析副题名外文题名论文作者熊喆导师符淙斌研究员学科专业气候学研究领域\研究方向学位级别博士学位授予单位中国科学院大气物理研究所学位授予日期2001 论文页码总数72页关键词气候变化东亚气候区域气候模式年际变化区域环境系统集成模式馆藏号BSLW /2003 /P46 /9 本文用NCEP再分析资料作为驱动场来驱动中国科学院大气物理研究所东亚区域研究中心的区域环境系统集成模式,对于东亚地区进行连续十年积分,分析和考察RIEMS模式对东亚地区模拟能力的统计行为,其中包括平均气候状态、年际变率和极端气候等。

The first part is to assess whether RIEMS has ability to reproduce ten-years averaged mean climate in East Asia.The results demonstrate that RIEMS is capable to reproduce the patterns and seasonal cycle of temperature(mean temperature/maximal temperature/minimal temperature), precipitation, sea level pressure and arid index as well as the rain belt evolution.The simulated seasonal and monthly averaged temperature biases are generally in the range of 1-2℃,which are consistent with IPCC(200 1)report. Although model can reproduce the seasonal cycle and time evolution of precipitation, the simulated rain belt has northwards shift of 2-3 degree.


The first part is to assess whether RIEMS has ability to reproduce ten-years averaged mean climate in East Asia.


The sensitivity of moso-scale model to radiation is studied by including and omitting the variation of atmospheric temperature caused by radiation in the meso-scale regional climate model RIEMS.


The results show that the RIEMS can simulate the pattem and seasonal cycle of standard deviation of surface temperature and precipitation.


Through the long-term integration using the vegetation-atmosphere two-way coupling regional climate model, we found that the RIEMS coupled with the AVIM can simulate well the distribution of temperature in China, but the magnitude has some discrepancy.


RIEMS+ can decrease the transmission failure probability and increase the channel utility factor, because it overcomes the drawback that nodes may have different cognitions on channel status, which arises from the differences in propagation ranges of frames with varying transmission rates.


Hen the coupling model of RIEMS and TOPX was still online tested in Jinghe basin. By means of the scale transformation scheme on topographic index and the yielding and runoff routing theory, the coupling model uses the meteorological data simulated by a regional climate model to drive the hydrological model for predicting the daily runoff at large-scale watershed.


The distribution of precipitation can be simulated well using RIEMS-AVIM, but the intensity and location of rain belt shows some deviation.



Green function defined inphase space differs from one in coordinate space by its struc-ture which exhibits nonlocatity in coordinates and oscillatorybehavior with respect to momenta.


The upper front part of a saddle;a saddlebow.


The fame thing I don't like.
