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ridge climate相关的网络例句

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与 ridge climate 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The dimensions used to measure business performance are: strategic business performance, service process improvement, service capacity, and employee satisfaction. The results indicate that CRM climate has significantly impact both on relationship quality and business performance. Among the CRM climate components, the organization management mechanism/HRM and the application domain of IT/IS play the main role in influencing the relationship quality and business performance. The link between organization management mechanism/HRM and trust is particularly strong. There also exists a prediction model between trust and business performance. It implies that trust is a very likely intermediating factor between CRM climate and business performance.


The whole situation of high potential North-South low, terrain divided into three parts: the northern high mountains, 30-7300 m above sea level, climate cold, snow and ice covered mountains, sparsely populated, lower slopes have dense forest; Central Valley region, 90-300 m above sea level, mild climate, the annual The average rainfall is 760-200 mm, is the major crop-producing areas of Bhutan; the southern mountain region, hot and humid climate, the annual rainfall of up to 50-60 mm in the mountains dense jungle.


Historical climate change do harm to the economy mainly by the abrupt change of climate and the quasi-periodic wave of climate on 101-102a scale.


Internal variations of the climate system, e.g., changes in the abundance of greenhouse gases, also may produce fluctuations of sufficient magnitude and variability to explain observed climate change through the feedback processes interrelating the components of the climate system.


Reference crop evapotranspiration (ET0) and new wetness index were both calculated and analyzed according to Penman-Monteith scheme recommended by FAO with routine meteorological data from 616 weather stations in China from 1975 to 2004. In terms of grades of wetness index from Chinese Climate Classification Criterion, China is classified into severe arid, arid, semi-arid, semi-humid and humid zones, respectively, which are compared with the demarcations from rainfall-based indices in order to reveal the similarity and difference in association with the two schemes under current global climate warming. Besides, the spatio-temporal analysis of climate wetness over the country in the past thirty years was performed.

依据中国616个地面气象台站1975年至2004年的日气象资料,利用联合国粮农组织推荐的参考蒸散计算方法,计算参考作物蒸散(ET0)和湿润指数,按照中国气候区划中的干湿指标把中国分为极干旱、干旱、半干旱、半湿润和湿润气候区,并与传统的降水量干湿指标进行对比,揭示在全球气候变化下两种干湿指标的异同,最后对中国近30 a干湿状况进行时空分析。

Based on the results simulated by PRECIS (Providing Regional Climates for Impacts Studies), which is developed in the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, changes of surface air temperature and precipitation under SRES B2 scenario in South China during 2071~2100 are analyzed. It is shown that, compared to baseline (1961~1990), surface air temperature in 2071~2100 would increase by 2~4℃, precipitation in summer would increase in the north part to 22°N, while the precipitation in winter would decrease in the whole areas of South China. The climate trend of the surface air temperature would be positive, however the climate trend of the precipitation would be negative, the occurrence frequency of extremely high temperature events and extremely heavy precipitation events would increase.

利用英国Hadley气候预测和研究中心的区域气候模式系统PRECIS,模拟分析基于政府间气候变化专门委员会 2000年发布的《排放情景特别报告》中设计的B2情景下华南区域2071~2100年的温度和降水量的可能变化,结果显示:2071~2100年均地面温度相对于气候基准时段(1961~1990年)上升约2~4℃;华南区域未来夏季降水量在22°N以北区域较气候基准时段增加,而以南区域减少;冬季降水则表现为华南区域较气候基准时段减少。2071~2100年华南区域的温度气候趋势系数为正值,年均降水气候趋势系数为负值。2071~2100年的高温事件和强降水事件的发生频率均比气候基准时段明显增加。

P in Shule River Alluvial Fan Oasis in Gansu subsidized by CNSF. Through field geological and environmental observations and sampling, quartz OSL dating, organic carbon ~(14)C dating, as well as analysis of TOC,grain size and Pollen assemblage of the samples from ten sediment profiles in front fine grain sediment zone of the Shule River Fan, the results obtained as follows:(1)The vegetation evolution history on Shule River Alluvial Fan and circumjacent since about 13 ka B.P. could be divided into 6 phases: about 12.1-13.1ka, a sparse coniferous and broadleaf trees - shrub grassland, cold and wet climate; 9.2-12.1ka, shrub grassland, temperature rising but precipitation and humidity getting down; 5.8-9.2ka, sparse forest with the most flourish shrub grassland under the optimal climate; 4.3-5.8ka, coniferous and broadleaf mixed forests -shrub grassland, temperature rising slightly and getting dry; 4.3-2.8ka, grass vegetation and climate became more dry; 2.8-2.3ka, coniferous forests -shrub grassland, precipitation and temperature getting down, but a higher relative humidity.


An oceanic climate (also called "marine west coast climate") predominates in western Washington, and a much drier climate prevails east of the Cascade Range.


On one hand, it changes the distribution of meridional wind, thus the geostrophic vortivity develops in the ridge region on the south of the subtropical high at 500 hPa. On the other hand, it causes inhomogeneity of the vertical distribution of diabetic heating, triggering anomalous cyclonic circulation between two ridges and anticyclonic circulation in the ridge region on the south.

这一方面改变了经向风的分布,使500 hPa副高南侧脊线区域地转涡度平流项发展;另一方面引起非绝热加热垂直分布不均匀,在两脊线之间诱生一异常气旋性环流,在南侧脊线区生成异常反气旋环流。

Such images made Inman happy, as did the following pages wherein Bartram, ecstatic, journeyed on to the Vale of Cowee deep in the mountains, breathlessly describing a world of scarp and crag, ridge after ridge fading off blue into the distance, chanting at length as he went the names of all the plants that came under his gaze as if reciting the ingredients of a powerful potion.


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