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与 ridge climate 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Climate: Typical continental climate, average annual precipitation: 305 mm, average annual temperature: 5~10


China has three major features of climate: a significant feature of the monsoon, a clear continental climate and diverse types of weather.


Cheju Island under the seasonal climate changes can be clearly divided into continental and oceanic climate.


In the last 20 years, a lot of geological data and climate simulation studies showed that continentality increased and water cycle between land and ocean became weaker at 21ka BP. Therefore, annual precipitation decreased significantly and climate became dry globally at 21ka BP.


The White House has also come under criticism for downplaying reports that link human activity and greenhouse gas emissions to climate change and that a White House official and former oil industry advocate, Philip Cooney, watered down descriptions of climate research that had already been approved by government scientists, charges the White House denies.


He proved that the left ward turning of Yangtze river diluted water is mainly resulted from the interaction between the bottom declining and the lag of the transversal pressure gradient, made the numerical simulation and preliminary study on the thermohaline staircase structure formation mechanism, improved American Academician Wunsch's inverse method of ocean circulation, jointed the discover of " Mindanao Under Current", which is the first ocean current found and named by Chinese scientists and widely accepted over the world, simulated the horizontal and vertical carbon fluxes in East China Sea by a simple ecosystem model, estimated the photosynthesis efficiency less than 8% in Jiaozhou Bay, applied statistical downscaling technology to Chinese coast and Japanese islands realizing the simulation and forecast of sea level low frequency variations, pointed out that the quasi-periodicity of El Nino events should be resulted from the interaction between the 3~4 year oscillation in tropical Pacific and decadal oscillation in the northern Pacific of middle latitudes of the air-sea coupled climate system and at decadal time scale the precipitation influence on sea level variation along Chinese coast and Japanese islands becomes more important, which is closely related to the decadal oscillation of air-sea coupled climate system, therefore precipitation most likely play a major role for the decadal oscillation formation;; proposed Extended Associate Pattern Analysis to analyse combined observed datasets of sea surface temperature and sea level pressure or geopotential hight at 1000 hPa (GH1000) over the Pacific and related seas.


A positive correlation was found between the solar activity and NO3- concentration in recent 1500 years. A long-standing issue of the nature of the solar activity during the Maunder Minimum was solved. An about 36a cycle was found in the solar activity. Low solar activity and weak geomagnetic field were responsible for the 36Cl peak at about 37ka BP. Climate change recorded in this ice core lagged insolation about 4ka during the last glacial maximum, about 1ka during the last deglaciation, and nearly 0ka during the Holocene.δ18O record also suggests that the variation in temperature on the Tibetan Plateau had some similar features to that in both Northern and Southern Hemispheres during the last deglaciation to some extent, which indicate that the tropics maybe play an important role on global climate change.

揭示出近1500a来古里雅冰芯中NO3-浓度变化可以反映太阳活动的强弱变化;回答了长期争议的并直接关系到太阳发电机理论是否正确的Maunder极小期太阳活动特征问题;发现太阳活动可能存在36a左右的周期;证实了37kaBP左右古里雅冰芯记录中宇宙成因同位素36Cl含量峰值的存在,指出这一时期的宇宙成因同位素峰值事件具有全球性,弱的太阳活动和弱的地磁场是这一事件发生的原因所在;揭示出古里雅冰芯记录到的"8.2ka BP事件",认为这一全球性事件发生的主要原因与弱的热盐环流和弱的太阳活动有关;发现古里雅冰芯记录的末次冰盛期和末次冰消期气候变化均在一定程度上滞后于太阳辐射变化,而全新世气候变化大致与太阳辐射变化同步;发现末次冰消期高原地区气候变化不仅具有北半球气候变化的某些特征,同时还具有南半球气候变化的某些特征,这说明热带地区可能对全球气候存在重要的影响。

CO2-Forced Climate and Vegetation Instability During Late Paleozoic Deglaciation - The covariance of atmospheric CO2 levels, surface temperatures, and global ice volume indicates that greenhouse gases controlled climate about 300 million years ago.


The probability density function of climate has a long tail, which can reflect the probability of extreme weather and climate.


In relationship with vegetations of Yunnan, the genera of Tropical Asia, Old world tropics and Tropical Asia to Australia distributions occur mainly in the tropical forests in southern Yunnan; the genera of Pantropical and Tropical Asia to Tropical Africa distributions occur mainly in the vegetations on dry and hot valleys; the genera of North temperate distribution occur mainly in forests on mountains with a cold and wet climate, while the genera of East Asian, East Asian and North America disjunct, and Old world temperate distributions occur mainly in the vegetations of the area with a warm climate.


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