英语人>网络例句>rid 相关的网络例句
与 rid 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He could not get rid of a culpable sense.


The reason of abuse BZD was: get rid of worries(14.1%), curiousness (13.3%), affected by other people(10.8%), look for enjoyment (9.85%), etc.

而 BZD 滥用的主要原因则是:摆脱烦恼(14.1%),好奇(13.3%),受周围人影响(10.8%),寻求快乐(9.85%)等动机。

Features: the fresh gel contains the best dosage of natural scrubbing ingredients,which canrapidly scrub and adjust the birth of new cells,it helps get rid of the agingcells and dead cells of cutis , it helps clear,the pores and maintain smoothbreathe of the skin,and restore the previous healthy quality of the skin.


We'd like to shift the left part of the histogram a little to bunch up those mid-range shadows into the truly dark shadows area - ie move those red and cyan/blue bumps to be more to the left, and get rid of the hole there.


In 2004 I went to Dacca, the capital of Bangladesh. I visited a village nearby and there was an international art workshop going on. In such a remote village, artists had to get rid of their original working habits and familiar experience, and started new adventure and exploration. Artists took advantage of local and ecological materials to do experiment: quilt, henhouse, dried branch, mud, leaves, agricultural appliance and even their bodies.


Starting today, get rid of all milk / dairy products from your home.


It is neither the separation between the mail and femail, nor the district dividing line between day clothing and the evening wear.his special style,bardian hue and the cultural conflict and communication brought up the dandyism which made him thought the most affective fashion designer in the early 1980s.in 1975,he successfully held his first fashionable issue show,whose revolutionary design opinion made a great contribution to the Milan to become a new fad city.non-liner and stink design of frame and lines,not stickto formal or inforaml fig and the natural colors completely got rid of the popular hippie style in the 1960s.with simple contour and loose lines changed the traditional mail endure and cabined style ,its crape grain coat was the rage.three months later,because of the contract of man fashion ,woman fashion fetched to heel,which adopted traditional man suuff,showing the stongly neutral style.


Daniell murders karloff but is not rid of him, the grave robber's face appearing on the body of an old woman whose body Daniell is stealing, causing the doctor to panic and drive his carriage over a cliff.


The testing daylight factor system can get rid of the influence from the changing of sky conditions and get the daylight factor in the standard luminance of th...


By manufacturing high-performance solar cells in high-throughput environments and by maintaining the desired characteristics of a solar cell, DayStar is looking at achieving commercial shipments by the fourth quarter of this year. It is targeting its solar cells to packaging companies (also known as module manufacturing companies or Modco's), whose products could be used in applications ranging from 1-kilowatt rooftop systems to 1,000,000-kilowatt solar farms in the desert.

W$rId 通过高产出的环境生产制造高性能的太阳能电池从而维持太阳能电池的理想特性,在今年第四季度日星公司正在寻找一个可以完成其产业化模式的载体,他的目标是找寻一家公司的产品,用日星的太阳能电池作包装,而此产品的电力应用范围在1千瓦到100万千瓦之间的屋顶系统或沙漠农庄

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Rid Of Me
Can't Get Rid Of This Feeling
Gotta Get Rid Of This Band
I Wanna Wanna Wanna Wanna Wanna Wanna Wanna Get Rid Of You
To Rid The Disease
Rid Of Me

Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
