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rich family相关的网络例句

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与 rich family 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The comprehensive information portal such as sina, Netease, Sohu is compositive person, the integrated trade family status such as net of Alibaba, Hui Cong is compositive person, the fractionize trade family status such as net of net of Chinese rich guest, Chinese chemical industry is compositive person, from long choose development search to look, backmost latent capacity is compared former want big.


One family even offered guaranteed admission to an elite private school for the children of its family-office chief, since the patriarch of the family is a trustee of the school, says Jane Bierwirth, a New York-based executive search consultant at Higdon Partners who helps the rich find office managers.

简·比尔沃思是Higdon Partners驻纽约的高级猎头顾问,她的工作就是帮助有钱人寻找家族理财室。她说,有一个家族甚至还保证让其家族理财室负责人的孩子进入一所私立贵族学校,因为该家族的大家长是那所学校的受托人。

Each wife that approachs her can go in spite of oneself her glamour is in hunting, I know, that is the curiosity that brings because of marriage of legend of a rich and powerful family. June 1999, one is called Deng Wendi, little known on all gregarious field China woman, married world-class medium king -- the Moduoke of news group, this big she is very much, rich but the famous man of enemy state, bring her from now on cannot evasive fact -- him Deng Wendi also becomes the news person that has value most, no matter their apiration how, fame and fortune, guess and fokelore always is photograph companion is followed.


You said that your own family would be only too delighted to pay all the necessary costs: that your father had been an incubus to them all : that they had often discussed the possibility of getting him put into a lunatic asylum so as to keep him out of the way: that he was a daily source of annoyance and distress to your mother and to everyone else: that if I would only come forward to have him shut up I would be regarded by the family as their champion and their benefactor: and that your mother's rich relations themselves would look on it as a real delight to be allowed to pay all costs and expenses that might be incurred in any such effort.


Exclusively produced from bush vines planted in 1908.rietvallei estate,one of the oldest wine producing estates in the robertson region,has been in the burger family since 1864.current owner and winemaker,johhy burger and fifth generation on the estate,is proud to prsent this special and traditional rievallei wine to you.muscadel was the first wine to be produred on the eatate.the wine is stillmade according to the original recipe as set out by the first winemaker on rietvallei, jacobus burger ,who also planted the bush vines,form which this wine was prouduced,in1908.this is a wine that we,as a family,cherish dearly,because it represents all thal is rietvallei...a fimeless family tradition.rietvallei 1908 muscadel is deep red in colour,full-bodied,rich,yet gentle.a floral bouquet comes throuth on the nose,with typical raisiny sweetness and an intense flaours that lingers on the palate and follows through on the afterteste.addintional bottle maturation gives excellent results.

好象这几篇翻译都是你发出的关于一个主题的。大概是有人向你推销葡萄酒或则是找代理销售商吧!Bush vine 成立于1908 ,作为独家生产商,它是一个最古老的葡萄酒基地在robertson 地区,早在1864年它就是burger家族企业,目前该所有经营者和制酒者 Johhy burger和第五代家族成员非常自豪的向你展现制造这种独特的传统配方美酒。muscadel是在这里制作的第一种葡萄酒,Jacobus burger,培育的葡萄园在1908就酿造了第一种葡萄酒,bugger家族人员非常珍爱这种葡萄酒,它就代表着rietvallei,一种家族传统的配方制作。muscadel 颜色深红,饱满柔和,香味牵引着鼻子。典型的葡萄干味道还有夹杂着深深的香味在嘴边不停的徘徊回味无穷。通过后来有关坚定,瓶装的发酵对此发挥了巨大的作用能力有限,供仁兄参考之用

E. It is good news for the upper class, ruling house, high ranking official and seigneur, rich and powerful family, distinguished family, nabob gentlemen in every profession and trade, polygamist and old man with a young wife.


Cantonese music has its origins in south China's beautiful, rich Pearl River Delta, which is famous for its rich artistic traditions. It is in this environment that this music was born, was nurtured and developed over the centuries. Its light spiritedness and simple beauty has made it wildly popular and an important member of China's musical family.


Certainly ,if there are really more than one child in one family ,it's very hard for parents to share all of thing during them when a family is not very rich ,we should consider the living condition, if it allowed ,it's ok everyone have one ,but for a not rich fainly it's out of rich ,then ,maybe this moment the partial idea will appear in the child who do not get what he or she want .


The Saumur people talk of her and of the Marquis侯爵 de Froidfond, whose family are beginning to beset the rich widow just as, in former days, the Cruchots laid siege to the rich heiress.


Rich men's sons; a good-for-nothing young man from a wealthy family; fellows with white silken breeches -- fops; playboy; dandy;profligate sons of the rich


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KATHERINA. What is your sir, that you send for me?


This is the webpage of Centre for Bacterial Diversity and Identification, The University of Queensland.


China happy to be injected into the royal estate 100% stake in Beijing-assessed net 1.669 billion yuan, compared with consolidated net asset value of 944 million yuan book value, value-added rate of 130.25%.
