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与 reverence 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The first is the boy who looks at you with reverence far away from you.He is the boy who loves you clandestinely.


The Marine color guard showed tremendous respect and discipline as they lowered the old flag, folded it with reverence, presented it to Gail, and raised the new flag.


Out of reverence towards the apostolic see, for the advantage and honour of the pontiff and the cardinals, in order that the possibility of scandals which could come to light may be removed and a greater freedom of votes in the holy senate may exist, and that, as is right, it may be lawful for each cardinal to say freely and without penalty whatever he feels before God and his own conscience, we lay down that no cardinal may reveal in writing or by word or in any other way, under pain of being a perjurer and disobedient, the votes that were given in the consistory, or whatever was done or said there which could result in hatred or scandal or prejudice with regard to anyone, or whenever silence on any point beyond the foregoing has been specially and clearly enjoined by ourself or the Roman pontiff of the time.


Copulation, therefore, was regarded as a form of worship of the goddesses and an expression of reverence for them.


The minders' voices trembled with reverence as they ushered us into the presence of the "Great Leader" himself – or rather, a creepily realistic waxwork, greeting us with outstretched arm and the smarmy grin of a door-to-door salesman.


Or, as it were, the pageants of the sea,Do overpeer the petty traffickers,That curtsy to them, do them reverence


SALARINO Your mind is tossing on the ocean; There, where your argosies with portly sail, Like signiors and rich burghers on the flood, Or, as it were, the pageants of the sea, Do overpeer the petty traffickers, That curtsy to them, do them reverence, As they fly by them with their woven wings.

salarino 你的心是丢地球上的海洋;因此,如果你与argosies魁梧出海像signiors丰富伯格对洪水或者,它作为人,选美的大海,做的overpeer零用贩子喏说,他们做他们的崇敬,它们飞经他们与自己编织的翅膀。

Their pretended reverence veiled a deep-laid plot for His ruin.


How, then, are we to explain the reverence in which he was held as a poet, the honor done him by the Delphic oracle, that seat of "objective" art, in a number of very curious sayings?


She may prove to the world that, for one people, at any rate, despotism and demagogy are not the necessary alternatives of government; that freedom and order are not incompatible; that reverence is the handmaid of knowledge; that free discussion is the life of truth, and of true unity in a nation.


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Reverence (Living In The Heart)

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
