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与 reverence 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I tried to express my reverence to life through this video: Birth, Pain, and some mental dread to women.


Even today,black-necked cranes are treated with reverence and are welcomed by farmers as they land in the fields around the villages.


Individuals might commit excesses,but there is not only inthe sex a reverence for decorums and limits inherited and enhanced fromgeneration to generation,which many years of other life could not efface,but a native love,in Woman as Woman,of proportion,of"the simple art ofnot too much,"一a Greek moderation,which would create immediately arestraining party,the natural legislators and instructors of the rest,andwould gradually establish such rules as are needed to guard,withoutimpedin9,hfe.


In the Huron Beltane fire dance I have tried to recall the reverence for dreams of the North American first peoples and the early Celts.


But as he celebrated his 90th birthday on Friday, Nelson Mandela was anything but invisible, a figure of reverence whose nine decades have already been observed at a huge rock concert in London's Hyde Park, a gala dinner for his children's charity in the august, chandeliered Long Room at Lord's Cricket Ground and a host of other tributes.


With endless wonder and reverence to the 5000 years historic Indus Valley Civilization which is one of the four oldest civilizations of humanity, with deep loves to the people generationally working hard in this mysterious land and in fact with great contribution to civilization of humanity, and with much loves to the arts like oriental hand-knotted carpets created by the people in this land, we think that oriental carpets art should now return to the orient, particular China, where they actually belonging, and become a delicious taste to the emerging high class people over there, after European rich families who have enjoyed the arts of oriental carpets, china and oil painting since past hundreds years, so we decide to present this brochure to Chinese public.


Bending the head or body or knee as a sign of reverence or submission or shame.


But those who fear and reverence God meet this heaven-daring assumption as Christ met the solicitations of the wily foe:"Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve."


But as to our country and our race, as long as the well compacted structure of our church and state, the sanctuary, the holy of holies of that ancient law, defended by reverence, defended by power, a fortress at once and a temple, shall stand inviolate on the brow of the British Sion—as long as the British Monarchy, not more limited than fenced by the orders of the State, shall, like the proud Keep of Windsor, rising in the majesty of proportion, and girt with the double belt of its kindred and coeval towers, as long as this awful structure shall oversee and guard the subjected land—so long as the mounds and dykes of the low, fat, Bedford level will have nothing to fear from all the pickaxes of all the levellers of France.


They treat it with reverence and love, and their explanations are of deep value, because the language of the New Testament was their own tongue, so that we moderns cannot afford to neglect their comments.


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Reverence (Living In The Heart)

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
