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与 resurrection 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Remission of sins is not based on human merit, but on the Lord's crucifixion; regeneration is not based on human merit, but on the Lord's resurrection; and the enduement with the Holy Spirit is not based on human merit, but on the Lord's exaltation.


Then follow the Anamimnesis ("Remembering therefore His suffering and death and resurrection and return to heaven and His future second coming …"), the Epiklesis or invocation ("sending Thy Holy Spirit, the witness of the sufferings of the Lord Jesus to this sacrifice, that He may change this bread to the body of thy Christ and this cup to the blood of thy Christ …"), and a sort of litany for the Church, clergy, the Emperor, and for all sorts and conditions of men, which ends with a doxology, and all the people say: Amen.

&然后,按照Anamimnesis (&因此,他的记忆的痛苦和死亡与复活,回到天上和他未来的第二个。。。&)中, Epiklesis或调用(&发送你的圣灵,证人的苦难耶稣基督这个牺牲,他可能会改变这种面包的尸体你的基督和这个杯子给你的血基督。。。&),以及某种罗列的教会,神职人员,天皇,和所有种类和条件的男子,结束了三一颂&,和所有的人说:阿门。

Then follow the Anamimnesis ("Remembering therefore His suffering and death and resurrection and return to heaven and His future second coming …"), the Epiklesis or invocation ("sending Thy Holy Spirit, the witness of the sufferings of the Lord Jesus to this sacrifice, that He may change this bread to the body of thy Christ and this cup to the blood of thy Christ …"), and a sort of litany for the Church, clergy, the Emperor, and for all sorts and conditions of men, which ends with a doxology, and all the people say: Amen.

&然后按照anamimnesis (&记住,因此,他的痛苦和死亡与复活并返回到天堂和他的未来第二次来……&), epiklesis或引用(&送你神圣的精神,见证的苦难主耶稣这个牺牲,他可能会改变这种面包的身体你的基督,这杯的血,你的基督……&),以及一种一长串为教会,神职人员,皇帝,和各种和条件的男子,结束与doxology ,&和所有的人说:阿门。

The Romans had a festival named Hilaria on March 25, rejoicing in the resurrection of Attis.

罗马人有节命名Hilaria 3月25日,在欢庆的复活阿提斯。

In late March the Romans honored the resurrection of Attis, son of the Great Mother Cybele, with the Hilaria celebration.


The playing of practical jokes, however, dates back to Ancient Rome and such activities were an integral part of the Hilaria celebrations held on March 25, a celebration which would again appear to be associated with the coming of Spring and the Vernal Equinox, held to honor the resurrection of Attis, Roman God of Vegetation who was linked to the seasonal cycle.

实际笑话的玩人,然而,始于远古的罗马和如此的活动是在三月 25 日被拿着的 Hilaria 庆祝,再一次会似乎与春天的来临和春天的昼夜平分点有关的庆祝一个整体部份,拿着尊敬 Attis 的复活,与季节的周期相连的植物罗马人上帝。

Their teaching will spread like gangrene. Among them are Hymenaeus and Philetus, who have wandered away from the truth. They say that the resurrection has already taken place, and they destroy the faith of some.


Levi . It is somewhat difficult to determine the particular Judaistic school its author belonged to; he openly denies the resurrection of the body; he does not believe in the written tradition; he does not reprobate animal sacrifices, etc.


They went sea kayaking in Resurrection Bay near Seward and took a boat trip to the Kenai ...


The suras of this period contain some narratives from the Gospel, enjoin the rites of pilgrimage, refute the cavillings of the Koreish, and contain vivid descriptions of the resurrection, judgment, heaven, and hell, with proofs of God's unity, power, and providence.

该suras这一时期包含了一些说明的福音,责成朝圣仪式,驳斥了cavillings的Koreish ,并载有生动的描述,复活的判断,天堂,地狱,以证明上帝的团结,电力和普罗维登斯。

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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
