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与 resumed 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

" Tom resumed his whitewashing, and answered carelessly:"Well, maybe it is, and maybe it ain't.

" 汤姆重新又开始刷墙,漫不经心地说:"这也许是干活,也许不是。

Eventually they were met by Wilco, and the three resumed the descent.


XTRA shares, and I resumed conversations with Lew. The XTRA boardaccepted a proposal we made, which was to be effectuated through a


A stiff hand due to stroke sequelae resumed agileness after TCM treatment.


The neighborhood has seen an increase in violence in recent weeks, and Sunni politicians expressed fears that Shiite militiamen had resumed their campaign of sectarian cleansing in Amil and nearby neighborhoods of southwestern Baghdad.


In 1800 Dom Augustin returned to France, and two years later resumed possession of Val-Sainte.


In 1800 Dom Augustin returned to France, and two years later resumed possession of Val-Sainte.


There are ENS changes in the secondary visceral pain following an acute colonitis and electroacupuncture analgesia can make the changes improved, internal environment stabilized and the turbulence of intestinal motility resumed.


The results showed that karyotypic type of Ya01-21was 2n=104=100m+4sm(4SAT), Chromosome length ratio of the longest and the shortest 4.25, the average arm-ratio 1.35, belonging to 2C type of chromosome. Molecule identified combine with chromosome studied indicated that Ya01-21 was a progenies of Erianthus arundinaceum. following the law of n+n; ITS identify showed that Ya01-21 is a progenies of Erianthus arundinaceum, the somatic chromosome karyotypic type of Ya01-36 was 2n=132=130m+2sm, Chromosome length ratio of the longest and the shortest 3.94, the average arm-ratio 1.27, belonging to 2B type of chromosome, combining the advance of characters the law of 2n+n can be resumed.


The inhibition of NCS to eukaryote growth may be due to prolong the cell division and prevent protein synthesis. The inhibition of NCS to Cetruisine fermentum growth was not seem to kill cells and NCS inhibition could be resumed.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
