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与 response 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With ns-level response time,the energy meter can record every pulse and its response.


A full response would have been appropriate in this event but due to operational issues airside one can understand the partial response.


A full response would have been appropriate in this event but due to operational issues airside one can understand the partial response.


The results showed that antibody response were observed in 19 (27.1%) of the 70 children with pneumonia. Excluding one case of cross-reaction, the others 18 cases, were diagnosed as Hib infection five caese had no Hib antigen evidence. Their diagnosis were confirmed only by the antibody response.

结果有19/70(27.1%例)肺炎患儿产生Hib OMP抗体反应,除外1例交叉反应,余18例诊断为Hib感染,其中5例未查到Hib抗原,以Hib OMP特异抗体反应得到诊断。

By use of site mutation strategy and PCR technology, we obtained the gene P12X3C that includes full length P1, 2A, 3C and a part of 2B and 3B and the gene P12X3C3D that includes full length P1, 2A, 3C, 3D and a part of 2B and 3B. After being digested by restriction enzyme respectively, the gene P12X3C and the gene P12X3C3D were cloned into the pcDNA3. 1 and pTARGET expression vector that were digested by the same enzyme. Recombinant plasmids were checked by restriction enzyme analysis and nucleic acid sequencing. Further more, recombinant plasmids were transfected into BHK-21 cells by using lipoid. The proteins of foot-and-mouth disease virus , which were expressed in BHK-21 cells, were confirmed by sandwich-ELISA and fluoroscopy, and the capsid of FMDV was tested by electron microscope. In order to evaluate enhanced immune response of guinea pigs against FMDV, DNA vaccines which were designed to produce viral capsids lacking infectious viral nucleic acid and contained the gene P12X3C and the gene P12X3C3D were injected respectively with FMDV 3D protein which was expressed in Pichia Pastoris Secreted expression System and purified or with pcDNA3. 1/IFN which includes the gene IFN-α of cattle. Subsequently, Recombinant plasmids were injected to cattles with or without pcDNA3. 1/IFN. Anti-FMDV antibodies were detected by ELISA, and the T lymphocyte proliferation response was tested by MTT assay, neutralization antibodies titers were analyzed by micro-neutralization assay.

为研制带有O型口蹄疫病毒(Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus,FMDV)China99株结构蛋白基因及多个非结构蛋白基因的DNA疫苗,本研究通过定点突变方法和PCR扩增方法,获得包含有FMDV China99株结构蛋白P1、非结构蛋白2A、3C以及部分2B、3B编码基因的片段P12X3C和包含有FMDV China99株结构蛋白P1、非结构蛋白2A、3C、3D以及部分2B、3B编码基因的片段P12X3C3D,将获得的基因片段直接/酶切后与同样处理的真核表达质粒连接,分别得到重组质粒pcDNA3.1/P12X3C和pcDNA3.1/P12X3C3D、pTARGET/P12X3C3D;对重组质粒进行序列测定、分析,并将重组质粒分别转染BHK-21细胞,通过双抗体夹心ELISA方法和间接免疫荧光标记方法检测细胞中FMDV抗原的表达,用电子显微镜观察病毒空衣壳的组装;为评价重组质粒作为DNA疫苗对实验动物及本动物的免疫效果,将重组质粒经肌肉注射方法接种豚鼠,并与酵母表达的纯化FMDV China99株3D蛋白及带有牛α干扰素的真核表达质粒pcDNA3.1/IFN分别/同时免疫,第二次免疫后第三周豚鼠攻以1OOID〓或1000ID〓的O型FMDV China99株;随后将质粒pcDNA3.1/P12X3C、pcDNA3.1/P12X3C3D与带有牛α干扰素的真核表达质粒pcDNA3.1/IFN同时免疫牛,三周后经牛舌皮攻以10〓ID〓的O型FMDV China99株。

By use of site mutation strategy and PCR technology, we obtained the gene P12X3C that includes full length PI, 2A, 3C and a part of 2B and 3B and the gene P12X3C3D that includes full length PI, 2A, 3C, 3D and a part of 2B and 3B. After being digested by restriction enzyme respectively, the gene P12X3C and the gene P12X3C3D were cloned into the pcDNA3.1 and pTARGET expression vector that were digested by the same enzyme. Recombinant plasmids were checked by restriction enzyme analysis and nucleic acid sequencing. Further more, recombinant plasmids were transfected into BHK-21 cells by using lipoid. The proteins of foot-and-mouth disease virus, which were expressed in BHK-21 cells, were confirmed by sandwich-ELlSA and fluoroscopy, and the capsid of FMDV was tested by electron microscope. In order to evaluate enhanced immune response of guinea pigs against FMDV, DNA vaccines which were designed to produce viral capsids lacking infectious viral nucleic acid and contained the gene P12X3C and the gene P 12X3C3D were injected respectively with FMDV 3D protein which was expressed in Pichia Pastoris Secreted expression System and purified or with pcDNA3.1/lFN which includes the gene IFN-a of cattle. Subsequently, Recombinant plasmids were injected to catties with or without pcDNA3.1/IFN. Anti-FMDV antibodies were detected by ELISA, and the T lymphocyte proliferation response was tested by MTT assay, neutralization antibodies liters were analyzed by micro-neutralization assay.

为研制带有O型口蹄疫病毒(Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus,FMDV)China99株结构蛋白基因及多个非结构蛋白基因的DNA疫曲,本研究通过定点突变方法和PCR扩增方法,获得包含有FMDV China99株结构蛋白P1、非结构蛋白2A、3C以及部分2B、3B编码基因的片段P12X3C和包含有FMDV China99株结构蛋白P1、非结构蛋白2A、3C、3D以及部分2B、3B编码基因的片段P12X3C3D,将获得的基因片段直接/酶切后与同样处理的真核表达质粒连接,分别得到重组质粒pcDNA3.1/P12X3C和pcDNA3.1/P12X3C3D、pTARGET/P12X3C3D;对重组质粒进行序列测定、分析,并将重组质粒分别转染BHK-21细胞,通过双抗体夹心ELISA方法和间接免疫荧光标记方法检测细胞中FMDV抗原的表达,用电子显微镜观察病毒空衣壳的组装;为评价重组质粒作为DNA疫苗对实验动物及本动物的免疫效果,将重组质粒经肌肉注射方法接种豚鼠,并与酵母表达的纯化FMDV China99株3D蛋白及带有牛α干扰素的真核表达质粒pcDNA3.1/IFN分别/同时免疫,第二次免疫后第三周豚鼠攻以100ID_(50)或1000ID_(50)的O型FMDV China99株:随后将质粒pcDNA3.1/P12X3C、pcDNA3.1/P12X3C3D与带有牛α干扰素的真核表达质粒pcDNA3.1/IFN同时免疫牛,三周后经牛舌皮攻以10~4ID_(50)的O型FMDV China99株。

Many of the commonly used anesthetic agents were designed for use in mammalian species. Given the differences in respiratory anatomy and physiology, the response in chelonians to these agents often differs from the response in mammalian species.


In the further study of attentional cueing, a lost of response time on cue-positioncompared with response time on uncue-position was found.


For those samples in which you expect a high response for one cytokine and a low response for another, we recommend testing each sample in step dilutions.


The classical mechanism of E2 involves estrogen binding to receptors in the nucleus, after which the receptors dimerize and bind to specific response elements known as estrogen response elements located in the promoters of target genes. However, ERs can also regulate gene expression through protein-protein interactions with other DNA-binding transcription factors in the nucleus, or through regulation with production and activity of other genes.


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I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
