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与 response 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results show that microseismic monitoring system can be used to analyze dynamic response. It provides valuable reference for study of dynamic response of pavement.


Previous study has identified the endolymphatic sac lags behind the earlier appearance of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) in the spiral modiolar vein and spiral ligament during immune response.The present study not only provides further support for the existence of an inner ear immune response which is regulated by cytokines,but also supports that cytokines controlling expression of adhesion molecules are released probably by cells which located out of ES.


1On the basis of pattern recognition analysis and in the light of the spectrum oflight source and the spectral response of CCD sensor as well as the spectral reflectance ofkernels,it is found that for the monochromic image recognition system and under the con-dition of reducing the probability error of classification to minimum,the optimum lightsource is a monochromatic light,the wave length of which is that rendering the series re-sponse of the difference between the spectral reflectances of two classes of kernels and theCCD sensor spetral response maximum.


Electroantennogram study showed that the female moths had stated response to main compositions of needle volatile of α-pinene,β-pinene, myrcene, limonene and β-phellandrene,β-phellandrene elicited the largest EAG response, and limonene was secondly.


The numerical results indicate that transverse finite strains affect the structural response in two ways. It is neglectable in structural response in the direction of the


Anesthesia with remifentanil and midazolam contributes to reducing the inflammatory response through modulation of the neurohumoral response to stress.


In addition to Chebyshev filter response, generalized Chebyshev response by applying the cross coupling between the nonadjacent resonators has also been implemented by modifying the layout of some resonators in the filter.


When response hands were compared, the unfamiliarity of nondominant hand to task resulted in a central compensatory mechanism to prevent from delayed response.

三情境中,因有效情境所提供的警告讯息充分引导参与者注意力的方向准备,故其 PMT、 MT 与 RT 均为最短。

In this method,fault detection is based on functional test for circuit boards, and fault isolation is based on the com- parison of actual response and expected response on correlative nodes,Besides, the aproach of building diag- nostic database and hardware composition of test system is introduced,According to this method,a practical test system has been made successfully.it can isolate 80% faults to nodes.


To 4. 7 % for peak area response, and 1. 6% to 2. 8% for peak height response for the four organotin species.


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Gravity (Pauline's Response To Amy)
Gravity (Pauline's Response To Amy) 2
You Need That (Vixens Response)
Music: Response
Outta Control (Kendrick Lamar Response)
Gifted Response
No Response
187 (Saigon Response)

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
