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与 resoled 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In all of the 3 cases, temporary physical restraint was required and neuroleptics were administered. This unusual behaioral pattern resoled within 2 weeks after stroke.


Disagreements between the two reiewers were resoled by discussion.


A statistically significant improement in local kyphosis angles and PFA scores was found after surgery and at the last isit. In 92.5% of the patients (n = 36), pain completely resoled; and in the remaining 3 patients, it is markedly reduced.


In all 4 patients, sirolimus-induced pneumonitis resoled following cessation of therapy but took weeks to months for complete recoery.


Until these issues are resoled, a technology of behaior will continue to be rejected, and with it possibly the only way to sole our problems.


He resoled to gie up smoking.


Since the instant action arose in Beijing (the buyer and seller are located respectiely in America and Japan, but the alleged breach occurred in Beijing), the initial issue to be resoled is to determine the applicable law goerning the contract which does not include a choice-of-law term.


Dysfunctions were treated and resoled withmobilising and manipulatie techniques of manual medicine.


They suggest that negatie remodeling could be resoled by slower stent absorption, and that "the excessie healing response could be limited by the controlled release from the stent of an antiproliferatie drug."


The patient's right posterior thigh pain completely resoled following surgery.


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Heard It In A Love Song
Heard It In A Love Song

Experimental result makes clear, the main reason that structure of revulsive bursa bubble alters exterior activator is exterior activator embeds in the double element layer of bursa bubble, the inhomogenous sex that the exterior charge intensity that changed bursa bubble thereby and the exterior activator after embedding distributing in layer of bursa bubble double element.


Is this a metronome?


I wanted to have a new look and all my curls have been shorn off.
