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与 residents 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Olympic supporters say hosting the Games has actually benefited the Downtown Eastside by promoting economic development 3 and spurring job training programmes to get residents involved in Olympic-related construction.


So it was with a certain ebullience that 7,000 residents of Wuhan recently gathered at the Orient Lucky City racecourse to indulge in what the central leadership terms a "social evil".


OPPORTUNITIES are sparse for China's small-time speculators. So it was with a certain ebullience that 7,000 residents of Wuhan recently gathered at the Orient Lucky City racecourse to indulge in what the central leadership terms a "social evil".


China's housing after the opening of the secondary market for the residents to achieve consumption Echelon provides a better conditions.


The Constitutional Court overturned the Supreme Court of Appeal ruling, noting that the SCA "should not have granted the order of ejectment ... in the absence of meaningful engagement." As part of an Inner City Regeneration Strategy, the City of Johannesburg has attempted to evict residents of so-called "bad buildings" in terms of the National Building Regulations and Standards Act.


Such a conception is to be sharply distinguished,therefore,from certain legal fictions or presumptions which have no relation to fact and are often in truth false deductions or conclusions—such as the fiction of a lesase in the old suit of ejectment,the fiction by which the english Court of Exchequer usurped jurisdiction by permitting an allegation that the plaintiff was the King's debtor and an then allowing no one to deny it,the fiction that all of the stockholders of a corporation are residents of state where it was incorporated,the fiction of a lost grant and the like.Such fictions or presumptions are obviously purely arbitrary and are often in truth contrary to fact,and were invented by the courts for the perpose of being able to administer justice without expressly disregarding a rule which literally applied would produce results opposed to justice.

这样一种看法是要大幅度杰出的,因此,从某些法律的小说或想法,没有关系,并经常在真理中扣除或虚假的小说中conclusions-such lesase旧西装,小说的ejectment由英国法院管辖的金库篡夺通过允许的指控原告是国王的债务,然后不允许任何人否认它,小说,所有的股东的股份有限公司是国家的居民那里成立,小说失落的奖助金,喜欢…这样的小说或想法显然是纯粹的武断的,通常是在真理与事实,并由法庭被发明的辩护是能够以断案没有明确地无视规则会产生结果,字面上的应用与正义。

The residents of an electoral district.


Zigzag area than healthy time to be completed early in 1923, when mainly on the resettlement of Chengdu Road elevated 844,000 residents, some of the welfare housing distribution unit is the era of the planned economy period product.


They include the function of Jiaxing Health Bureau in cooperative medical insurance for rural and urban residents, the function of Civil Affairs Bureau both in the service for downsized personnel and family dependants of the deceased and in organizing the fund for rural and urban minimum living allowance and medical aid, the role of Municipal Committee of Population and Family Planning in organizing and issuing the fund for rewarding rural households who carry out the one-child policy, and the unemployment insurance under the charge of Employment Service Bureau.


These functions include cooperative medical insurance for rural and urban residents originally performed by Jiaxing Municipal Bureau of Health, the organizing function of fund for rural and urban minimum living and medical aid performed by Civil Affairs Bureau, the organizing and issuing of the fund for rewarding rural households who carry out the one-child policy performed by Municipal Committee of Population and Family Planning, and the unemployment insurance undertaken by Employment Service Bureau.


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The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
