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research engineering相关的网络例句

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与 research engineering 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Structural Health Monitoring has emerged as an important research area incivil engineering. Damage detection technique based on changes of structuraldynamic properties is the core of structural health monitoring. However, most ofthe existent methods of damage detection and location depend on the originalmessage with the damaged message to identify the damage position.


Considering the urgent need for performance based seismic design of engineering and the policy pressure from environment, some prospects for research and application of RC frame structure with new type of infilled masonry wall are offered.


Harold Puthoff of Stanford University's Electrical Engineering Department and co-author of the book Fundamentals of Quantum Electronics conducted a series of experiments at the Stanford Research Institute on famed psychic Ingo Swann.


It is a high-tech chemical engineering business enterprise which gathers research production at the integral whole.


In response to this problem, the state of water-saving irrigation equipment, basic engineering and technology Beijing, the research opened the field tube irrigation system gates.


The major driving force for production machinery, plant protection machinery, garden machinery, drainage and irrigation machinery, light engineering machinery, small vehicles and small units, and other seven series over 150 kinds of different specifications of the products, has now become domestic product research, testing, design, development, production and Export base.


This research stress on both of water-saving irrigation technique and engineering reform plan in the irrigation, investigates current situation and main existing problem including geography, geology, social economic condition and so on....


Main production Power machinery, plant protection machinery, garden machinery, drainage and irrigation machinery, light engineering machinery, small vehicles and small units, and other seven series over 150 kinds of different specifications of the products, has now become domestic product research, testing, designing and developing production and export base.


Research conclusions:The karsts encountered in the construction can be divided into four types according to the engineering geological charac.


Study on the geologic forecast s way tunnel of in karsts -geology;2. Study of the Characteristic of Bearing Capability of Pile Foundation in Karsts Area;3. Research conclusions:The karsts encountered in the construction can be divided into four types according to the engineering geological charac.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
