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与 research engineering 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Analysis and research on numerical simulation of mining engineering problem.


Research Center of Mining Damage and Control Engineering, Liaoning Polytechnic University, Fuxin 123000, China


Analyzing the relationship between physiological changes and some factors, such as working load, fatigue, misplay, is an important branch of Human-Machine engineering research.


The representative minority cultural relic-pottery relic of Buyi minority and the two wooden masks is taken as the research object. Firstly, Hiscanner laser scan detector was adapted for data collection, and then obtain point cloud data which could be recorded on disc for permanent saving was obtianed; Furthermore, the new popular reverse engineering software Geomagic for some disposals of point cloud data was adopted in data condensing, data mending, data filtering, feature line picking up to obtain NURBS surfaces; and then the error between the reconstructed CAD model and the point cloud data was evaluated to guarantee the precision of surface reconstruction to keep the relics keep its original appearance. In the end, the NURBS surfaces are imported to 3D software Solidworks and entities of CAD are generated by surface sewing, mold loft and ablating and other instructions.

选用有代表性的贵州少数民族文物―布依族酒壶、水壶以及木制傩戏面具作为研究对象,采用Hiscanner激光扫描测头对其进行数据采集,扫描得到的点云数据可刻录到光盘上作为文物数据永久保存;更进一步地,采用目前流行的逆向工程软件Geomagic studio对点云数据进行数据精简、数据滤波、数据修补、提取特征线等处理后得到NURBS曲面;为保证曲面模型重建的精度,在曲面重建模型后对其误差评价,通过控制误差的方式指导曲面模型重建,使重建的文物曲面模型能真实完整地反映原状;最后,在功能强大的三维造型软件Solidworks中导人重构的NURBS曲面进行曲面缝合、放样等,将其生成实体CAD模型,并对模型的局部特征进行适当的再设计以实现文物实体模型的优化。

Nacre, or mother-of-pearl, a main structural material forming the inner layer of mollusc shells, displays excellent mechanical properties. It became a hot research topic recently in biomimetic design and synthesis for advanced engineering materials.


Power station is an important composition of a ship. Ship motor relay-protection equipment is an importance guarantee for safe power supply of ship power system. In order to realize experimental education innovation, we inquire into the experimental equipment of ship motor relay-protection. It will make student, who are major in maritime engineering , know the equipment of ship motor relay-protection and the mechanism of air circuit breaker better. Then they will be persons who are accord to the STCW78/95 pact. On the other hand this research will be powerful quest for computer-controlled ship motor relay-protection testing equipment.


The journal publishes review articles, perspectives, articles, communications, and myology news on basic and clinical research studies in the fileds of anatomy, physiology, cell biology, biochemistry, molecular biology, gene mapping, comparative biology, development, differentiation, and regeneration, pathology, epidemiology, engineering, bioengineering, testing, pharmacology, toxicology, surgery, medicine.


However, at present the theory research of composite soil nailing is far behind from the engineering practice.


Mainly engaged in nano-, bio-engineering technology, natural medicine extraction technology and other high-tech research and industrial management.


We could have a Ferrari NASCAR team. All we have to do isthrow away about 30 years of engineering research and we will be ready.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
