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与 replum 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fruit indehiscent nutletlike silicle, often breaking into 1-seeded units, oblong, ovoid, or ellipsoid, 1-loculed or transversely 2- or 3-loculed, terete or 4-angled, sessile, woody, often prominently veined, glabrous or papillate, smooth or torulose, sometimes verrucose-reticulate; replum rounded; septum absent; style absent, obsolete, or distinct, thickened and subconical; stigma capitate, entire.


Fruit indehiscent, woody, nutletlike silicles, oblong, ovoid, or subglobose, terete, 4-angled, or with 4 cristate wings, sessile, readily detached from pedicel, 1-4-loculed; replum not distinct; septum subwoody or absent; style obsolete or slender and to 6 mm, filiform or subconical; stigma capitate, entire.


Fruit indehiscent, samaroid silicles, transversely oblong or ovoid, 1-seeded, thin walled, with woody and coarsely reticulate venation, angustiseptate, sessile, transversely 2-winged, 2-16-spined; wings prominent, longer or shorter than main part of fruit, with 3-20 subparallel veins extending full length; spines often unequal in length, at least some subparallel to pedicel, those on the seed-bearing fruit half longer; replum and valves margin united into a longitudinal vein; septum complete; style absent, obsolete, or conical and to 5 mm; stigma capitate, entire, long papillate.


Fruit dehiscent siliques or rarely silicles, linear or rarely oblong, terete, 4-angled, latiseptate, or angustiseptate, sessile or rarely shortly stipitate; valves with an obscure to prominent midvein, pubescent on outside, rarely also on inside, keeled or not, smooth or torulose; replum rounded; septum complete, membranous, translucent or opaque, veinless; style obsolete or short, rarely half as long as or subequaling fruit, often pubescent; stigma capitate, entire or 2-lobed.


Fruit dehiscent silicles, oblong, ovoid, ellipsoid, or globose, terete, rarely slightly latiseptate or angustiseptate, sessile; valves veinless or obscurely veined, glabrous, papillate, or with simple trichomes, smooth; replum rounded; septum complete, perforated, or absent; style obsolete or to 3 mm; stigma discoid, entire.


Fruit dehiscent siliques or silicles, linear, oblong, ovoid, obovoid, ellipsoid, or lanceolate, terete or slightly 4-angled, sometimes angustiseptate; valves with a prominent midvein, smooth; replum rounded; septum complete or perforated; style absent or short and to 1.5 mm; stigma capitate, entire.


Fruit dehiscent silicles, obdeltoid to obdeltoid-obcordate, strongly flattened and angustiseptate, sessile; valves papery, prominently veined, strongly keeled; replum rounded; septum complete; style less than 1 mm, included or exserted from apical notch; stigma capitate, entire.


Fruit dehiscent siliques or silicles, linear, oblong, obovate, obcordate, elliptic, lanceolate, or suborbicular, often apically notched, strongly angustiseptate, sessile; valves keeled, winged or wingless; replum rounded; septum complete, membranous, translucent, veinless; style obsolete or prominent, exserted or included in apical notch of fruit; stigma capitate, entire or slightly 2-lobed.


Fruit dehiscent siliques or silicles, cylindric, narrowly conical, or obcordate, ovate, or oblong, angustiseptate, terete, or latiseptate, sessile or subsessile; valves distinctly veined, glabrous or papillate, torulose or smooth; replum widely flattened throughout or only basally; septum complete, rarely absent or perforate and reduced to a rim; style to 3 mm; stigma capitate, entire.


Fruit indehiscent, achenelike silicles, oblong, ovate, elliptic, or oblong-linear, angustiseptate, sessile, sometimes constricted above seed-bearing portion; valves papery, corky and thick winged all around, veinless, glabrous or papillate; replum rudimentary; septum absent; style absent; stigma capitate, entire.


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