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与 rendering 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After full allowance has been made for the translator's freedom in rendering, and for the alterations introduced into the primitive wording of this version by later transcribers and revisers, two things remain quite certain: first, the Septuagint may occasionally be utilized for the discovery and the enmendation of inaccurate readings in our present Hebrew Text; and next, the most important variations which this Greek Version presents, especially in the line of additions and transpositions, point to the fact that the translator rendered a Hebrew original which differed considerably from the one embodied in the Massoretic Bibles.

经过充分津贴方面已取得的译者的自由渲染,以及改建引入原始措词这个版本的更新誊写和审校,两件事仍然相当肯定:第一,七十偶尔会用於发现和enmendation不准确的读数,我们目前的希伯来文字;和未来,最重要的变化这希腊版本介绍,特别是在线路的补充和transpositions ,指向这样一个事实,即作出了希伯来语翻译原始而相差很大的一个体现在Massoretic圣经。

We notice that simply rendering two videos will result in two separate Video Renderers, which means that the videos are being played on two separate surfaces.


Third, this paper discusses the problems on distributed animation renderers, especially on object space based task partition, task schedule and rendering technique.


So long as your life keeps changing, your language, as a rendering tool, will constantly undergo representational redes cription, which makes your language expressive level higher and higher.


Virtually every publication on rendering refers to a "theoretical pinhole camera".


My eyes and you say, like eye liner can use eyeliner, I usually of Eyes on the hours it several: first, the eye shadow, pink meat, or other extreme the color rendering light at night background can be painted over the entire area between the eyebrows and the eyes during the day, if only the ordinary makeup, then to a double-fold over a little bit better.


A suitable function and constraints on both the structure and order of the rendering primitives can yield satisfactory results.


In the process of developing the new rendering primitives, several interesting issues were uncovered.


Finally we get to the point where we apply the transformation to our rendering device.


With traditional modeling method of GIS we encounter some difficulties, we must keep a balance between the precision of model and rendering speed of computer.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
