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Imlib has lived a long life, still in heavy usage today, as one of the most popular image manipulation and rendering libs available.


The Septuagint rendering in this passage is Zoe (=life, or life-giver), which is a translation; in two other passages (Genesis 4:1 and 25) the name is transliterated Eua.

该septuagint绘制这段话是我爱(=生活,还是生活的赐予者),这是一个翻译,在其他两个通道(创4:1和25 )的名字是译音由美国。

As to straight texels, we study the local relative coordinate equation of a light line in a texel coordinate system, and the concrete shape of light line when mapped to texel space, so that quick check could be made for the intersection of light line with hairs. This becomes the straight texel rendering method of global smoothness for all hairs and can be used to long hairs.


Ding Lings rendering of the fate of women is tragic, but because they are young women, enabling them to the tragedy was primarily manifested as love tragedy, or that they are all tragedies closely linked with love, all the pursuit and desire, pain and disillusionment in love can be the most tragic and prominent concentrated expression.


This paper aimed at the Daqing region based sauce, sweet paraffin base crude oil, the main tasks and objectives will be: 4 million tons / year, 330 days a year, total starts, top of the tower to take heat, the first mid-back to take heat, second heat to take the middle back the distribution of 5:2:3, based on the given crude true boiling point distillation data and products Engler distillation data to calculate the product of various complex decision to cut the program data to calculate the product yield, full-tower heat balance calculation, rendering the whole tower of steam , liquid load distribution.

本文设汁主要针对大庆地区低硫石蜡基原油,主要任务及目标为:400万吨/年,按每年开工330天计,塔顶取热、第一中段回流取热、第二中段回流取热分配为 5:2:3,依据所给的原油实沸点蒸馏数据及产品的恩氏蒸馏数据,计算产品的各物性数据决定切割方案,计算产品收率,进行全塔热平衡计算,绘制全塔汽、液相负荷分布图。

This study simulates the dazzling light and the human visual system for light adapting with multiple-pass rendering technique.

本论文主要的研究方向为以著色技术中顶点著色、像素著色与绘图技术中高动态范围影像(High Dynamic Range Image, HDRI)、色调再生等相关图学的研究为基础,并配合人类视觉系统对光的适应性,在这些技术的应用与图学演算法中,进行分析与探讨,以达到模拟瞳孔适光性之研究。

By that time, however, the situation had greatly improved in the Eastern Church- nearly all the bishops who had taken part in the Robber Synod had now repented of their aberration and signed, in union with their orthodox colleagues, the "Epistola dogmatica" of Leo to Flavian, by this act rendering the need of a council less urgent.

到那个时候,不过,这种情况已大有改善,在东部教会,几乎所有的主教,谁参加过在匪徒的主教现在已经忏悔,他们的畸变,并签署了,在联盟与东正教会的同事,& epistola dogmatica &利奥向弗拉维安,由该法绘制需要一个会较不迫切。

1 A German rendering of a Serbo-Croat term referring to the terrain created by limestone solution and characterized by a virtual absence of surface drainage, a series of surface hollows, depressions and fissures, collapse structures, and an extensive subterranean drainage network. 2 A type of topography that is formed on limestone, gypsum, and other rocks by dissolution, and that is characterized by sinkholes, caves, and underground drainage.


This is a rendering of Cicero treatises into English.


This is a rendering of Cicero treatises into English.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
