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与 rendering 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Other people settled on the coast and became known in Greek as Ichthyophagoi or 'Fish eaters'- a rendering of ancient Persian Mahi khoran , which has the same meaning and has become the modern word "Makran".

其他人定居在沿海和被称为希腊作为 Ichthyophagoi 或'吃鱼'-一个绘制波斯马希k horan,其中具有相同的意义,并已成为现代单词&玛克兰&。

That's what happened first here, Bryant shoving Westbrook on the game's first inbounds play and essentially mauling him throughout the first quarter, climbing into the kid's head and rendering him useless.


By rendering food microbiologically safe, we mean eliminating or reducing a microbiological hazard in the food to a safe level.


Misconfigured websites might misidentify a new version of IE 7 as an outdated version, thus returning web pages with results ranging from rendering and behavior issues to total rejection or denied of access to the user.

错误的网站可能misidentify一个新的IE 7版本是一种过时的版本,因此,返回网页结果不等,从渲染和行为问题,完全拒绝或否认的访问给用户。

1On the basis of pattern recognition analysis and in the light of the spectrum oflight source and the spectral response of CCD sensor as well as the spectral reflectance ofkernels,it is found that for the monochromic image recognition system and under the con-dition of reducing the probability error of classification to minimum,the optimum lightsource is a monochromatic light,the wave length of which is that rendering the series re-sponse of the difference between the spectral reflectances of two classes of kernels and theCCD sensor spetral response maximum.


Only one license is needed for a single or multicore processor, so you get more rendering power for your money.


The "Great Vision" of Black Elk, the Oglala Sioux holy man, is probably the most comprehensive textual rendering of a shamanic initiation experience, often called a crisis journey, that we have available to us in English.


The first part of this thesis aims to retrospect the background of the rendering and introduce the process of the Fir- Flower Tablets' outcoming.


E' interessante anche il folder FiledTemplate in cui trovate come viene eseguito il rendering di uno specifico tipo, ad esempio il file Boolean.ascx e Boolean_Edit.ascx contengono il codice che viene generato a runtime tutte le volte che si deve generare la parte di pagina che visualizza una colonna del database di tipo boolean e, come avrete capito, il comportamento cambia se siamo in fase di visualizzazione piuttosto che editing del campo.

和'有趣 FiledTemplate 的文件夹找到,因为它是提供特定类型,如文件Boolean.ascx和Boolean_Edit.ascx,包含的代码,在运行时每次必须生成的页面部分生成显示类型的布尔数据库列,和,你会看到,该行为的变化,如果我们在观看,而不是编辑领域的过程中。

In this thesis, a perceptually-based NPR framework for painterly rendering is presented.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
