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与 rendering 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The paper describes the development of haptic rendering in virtual environment.


Over recent years, haptic rendering is widely applied in virtual reality systems to improve system reality.


The paper gives insight into the further research of haptic rendering.


Clinical requirement in dental simulation is firstly analyzed and performance goal of haptic display is proposed. Based on characteristics of human haptics, software system of surgery simulation and force rendering is developed and prototype of surgery simulation system is established using Phantom desktop. Dental exploration and cutting operation in cavity preparation are simulated with haptic and graphical display capabilities.

全文首先通过分析牙科手术模拟的临床需求,提出了力觉显示手术仿真系统的模拟指标;针对操作者触觉生理学特点,基于力觉交互设备Phantom desktop,开发了手术仿真和力觉渲染软件,建立了手术模拟原型试验系统;以牙面探查和牙体预备中的切削操作作为研究对象,实现了力觉和图形集成显示的手术操作过程模拟。

Early rendering of Hydro Green Energy's dual ducted hydrokinetic turbine array as viewed from below the surface of the water.


We reconstructed the 3-D and virtual endoscopy image about nasal septum, frontal area of the apertura of sphenoidal sinus, sphenopalatine foramen, sphenopalatine artery and sphenoidal sinus use Volume Rendering, Multiplanar Reformation, Virtual Endoscopy and Curved Planar Reformat, and measured and ,about undertaked The nose, nasal septum, sphenopalatine artery, anterior region of the aperture of sphenoidal sinus, sphenopalatine artery and adjacent structures of hypophysial fossa were dissected, observed, measured and analysised the dependency anatomic structure at the same time.

结果: 一、标本解剖 1、鼻孔长径11.32±0.82(10.2~13.2)mm,鼻孔短径7.85±1.21(5.2~9.8)mm。鼻中隔厚度在前、中、后部分别为5.02±0.42(3.8~5.4)mm、5.57±0.47(4.5~6.4)mm、5.55±0.55(4.8~6.4) mm。 2、鼻中隔骨与软骨交界处距前鼻棘21.26±2.47(18.1~27.6)mm,距鼻孔内侧缘中点33.72±3.52(27.1~40.6)mm,距鼻小柱30.12±2.84(26.9~36.8)mm,距蝶窦口下缘38.04±3.49(32.4~45.1)mm,距后鼻孔41.82±3.96(36.9~50.1)mm。四方软骨中部厚度、边缘厚度、前后径、上下径分别为:1.12±0.13(0.92~1.42)mm、1.28±0.24 (0.83~1.67)mm、30.93±4.52(24.9~40.6)mm、29.94±2.14(24.8~34.3)mm。 3、蝶窦口长5.64±0.39(4.92~5.94)mm,宽3.58±0.22(3.10~3.96)mm,距上鼻甲尾部9.5±0.9(8.5~12.1)mm,距上鼻道未端14.5±1.1(12.5~16.4)mm,距中鼻甲尾

E. , considering solar radiation, scattering, absorption, reflection and diffusion of light wave in the atmosphere, reflection and interreflection of the object surface, image rendering, and photorealistic image synthesis in the raster screen. The research has the merits of validity of theory and practicability of the model.


So we either need to remove the gamma from our textures ("linearize" them) before rendering, which can be done with a gammaCorrect node in front of them in the shader chain with Gamma set to 1/2.2, which is 0.455 rounded important: the gammaCorrect node works inversedly - the value we put in there is the desired gamma compensation value, not the actual gamma function itself!


Ecclesiastes is the Greek rendering of the Hebrew Koheleth, which means Preacher.


This rendering of King Asoka's Edicts is based heavily on Amulyachandra Sen's English translation, which includes the original Magadhi and a Sanskrit and English translation of the text.

本文的翻译很大程度上借重于Amulyachandra Sen的混合有原始摩揭陀语、梵语和英语译文的那个英文译本。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
