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与 rendering 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

DirectX framework code, rendering a simple polygon, but this would be sufficient, because any complex graphics can be used to construct the polygon.

详细说明: Directx框架代码,渲染了一个简单的多边形,但是这个就足够了,因为任何复杂的图形都可以用多边形来构造。

But if I were to make a wish list, it would be great to expand our toolbox to include some better skinning, hair, and rendering tools.


Its other mobile phone browser The biggest difference lies in direct non-WAP browser page without the need for another intermediate server, Opera Mini 4 can be synchronized with the PC, support for cross-screen view model, for BlackBerry devices have been optimized, to join the virtual mouse to facilitate and enhance the ability of small-screen rendering.

其于其他手机浏览器最大的不同在于可以直接浏览非WAP页面而无须再经过中间服务器, Opera Mini 4可以与PC同步、支持横屏浏览模式、针对黑莓设备进行了优化、加入方便的虚拟鼠标、增强小屏幕渲染能力。

Ikaros and its solar sail are seen in an artist's rendering.


Nor were they real questions for the subsequent writers of the West, although these medieval authors had in the Vulgate a more faithful rendering of xxx, 1; xxxi, 1, which might have led them to reject the Solomonic origin of the sections ascribed to Agur and Lamuel respectively, for in their eyes the words Agur and Lamuel were but symbolical names of Solomon.

也不是真正的问题,为以后的西方作家,虽然这些中世纪的作者曾在武加大更忠实呈现三十, 1 ;三十一, 1 ,可能导致他们拒绝Solomonic原产地的部分归因於Agur和拉穆埃分别在他们眼里的话Agur和拉穆埃只是象徵性的名字所罗门。

They were not even suspected by the early Fathers who, following implicitly the inscriptions in i, 1; x, 1; xxiv, 1 (which bear direct witness to the Solomonic authorship of large collections of proverbs), and being misled by the Greek rendering of the titles in xxx, 1; xxxi, 1 (which does away altogether with the references to Agur and Lamuel as authors distinct from Solomon), regarded King Solomon as the author of the whole Book of Proverbs.

他们甚至不怀疑早期教父谁,下面的含蓄的铭文中一, 1 ;十, 1 ; 24 , 1 (负有直接见证了Solomonic著作权的大量藏书谚语),和被误导的希腊渲染标题在三十, 1 ;三十一, 1 (不完全以外的提及Agur和拉穆埃作为作者有别於所罗门群岛),把所罗门王的作者整本书的谚语。

Well, I have here what looks to be another rendering of the 2011 Hyundai Sonata.


After being registered accurately with Photoshop 7.0 software, the male urological and reproductive organs such as kidney, adrenal, ureter, bladder, male urethra, prostate, spermaduct, seminal vesicle and the adjacent organs such as abdominal aorta, inferior vena cava, thoracic duct, the lymph nodes beside abdominal aorta, the nephritic artery and vein, the intrailiac artery and vein, pelvis, the prostatic plexus and internal obturator muscle can be segmented and surface rendering three-dimensional reconstructed with 3D-DOCTOR software.

断面图像数据集经Photoshop 7.0软件精确对位、配准后,应用3D-DOCTOR 4.0软件,分别对男性泌尿生殖系统的肾脏、肾上腺、输尿管、膀胱、男性尿道、前列腺、输精管、精囊腺和泌尿生殖系统的毗邻器官腹主动脉、下腔静脉、胸导管、主动脉旁淋巴结、肾动静脉、髂内外动脉、骨盆、前列腺周围静脉丛、闭孔内肌等进行数据分割和三维面绘制重建。

To realize the realistic rendering of the scene in applying environment mapping to VR systems, an approach to fast calculating diffuse environment maps was proposed starting from the analysis of spherical harmonics.


Superior at approximating high frequency lighting than spherical harmonics function,wavelets have been increasingly adopted in PRT based global light rendering algorithm.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
