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与 rendering 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This can take some practice because you also have to look at where the light will not be falling. Photographing a canyon, for example, you might see that the west wall will be beautifully lit in the early morning, if the canyon is deep, however, the east wall will be in such complete shadow that your camera will be capable of rendering it only as a great black blob. Unless this is the effect you want, you'll either have to modify your composition, shoot it later in the day, or plan to return on an overcast day when both sides will be photographable.


It has two chronologically parallel yet pictorially interwoven clues in rendering the stories, one being the adolescent agitation and maturation of a 12-year-old boy Renato, the other the comprehensive exploration of humanity, through the sufferings of the beautiful Malena during war time and developed through Renato's eyes.


The combination of the Picus' 3D images, with the high-resolution 3D rendering produced by the Picus-Just 3D ultrasound software, delivers an exceptional 3D experience.

联合使用Picus's 3D影像以及由Picus-Just超声软件生成的高清晰度3D透视图,能够产生独特的三维体验。

The visual argument is required even for pixmap rendering as it specifies the eventual format for the pixel values.


Static object hinting is when the pliancy of an object is communicated by the static rendering of the object itself.


We believe this restriction on marriage to be connected with the practice in early times of female infanticide, which, rendering women scarce, led at once to polyandry within the tribe, and the capturing of women from without.


It allows me to keep polygon count under control. This is very important, because rendering and overall development time depends on it.


And finally, the user interface relied heavily on PostScript for its text rendering, which made it slow.

还有,所使用的用户界面的字符重现太多的依赖于 PostScript,这使得它变慢。

But between these widely distant epochs there is an interval of obscurity, and we can only guess at the causes which permitted the Patria Potestas to last as long as it did by rendering it more tolerable than it appears. The active discharge of the most important among the duties which the son owed to the state must have tempered the authority of his parent if they did not annul it.


How to organize the terrain data, how to predigest and render models, effect on the rendering rate and quality.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
