英语人>网络例句>remittance 相关的网络例句

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与 remittance 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

International settlement product and service including electronic exchange, instant express check, batch payment, international remittance, settling letter of credit, export trust, import colleting for drawees, etc.


On the function, silver of new edition net goes in comprehensive and integrated enterprise and individual net silver serve, provide unified entry entrance and consistency service, manage besides account, turn the Zhang remittance, each other that decide work turns, make an appointment outside the service of main network silver such as cost of management, online pay, silver of net of travel new edition earlies childhood to keep the online investment such as national debt of type of canal, charge to an account for treasure of the foreign currency on the net, gold treasure, fund, tripartite in, and the appreciation such as personalized set serves, for client creation relaxed economy new life lives.


We find on enquiry to the foreign trade company the air freight and broker charge of the sample machine will be USD330. The sample machine will be provided by us free of charge. If you trust us, you can remit us the payment in any way. We will dispatch it upon receipt of the remittance.


If you wish to ex ercise y our right to subscr ibe for all the Rights Shares specified in this P AL, you should lodg e the PAL in ac cordance with the instr uctions pr inted herein, tog ether with a remittance for the full amount pa yable on acce ptance,with the Compan y's Branch Registrar , Tricor Standard Limited, 26/F Tesbury Centre , 28 Queen 's Road East, Wanchai, Hong K ong by no later than 4:00 pm on Monda y, 6 Apr il 2009. All remittances must be made in Hong K ong dollars and must

倘 阁下拟行使阁下之权利认购本暂定配发书指定之所有供股股份,阁下必须最迟於二零零九年四月六日下午四时正前将暂定配发书按照本通知书印列之指示连同须於接纳时缴付之全部股款送交本公司之过户分处卓佳标准有限公司,地址为香港湾仔皇后大

People again also need not " from a great distance " the ground runnings to the bank to go remittance.


Postal materials and remittance s shall be owned by senders and remitters before they are delivered to recipients and remittees.


The remitters should submit the outward remittance application form.


Remittances which are unclaimed when a period of ten months expires, counting from the date of delivering the return-remittance notice to the remitters, shall be turned over to the state treasury.


The remittees of postal remittances shall cash the postal remittances with valid documents at postal enterprises or branch offices within two months of receiving notice of a postal remittance.


All the banking financial institutions shall practically fulfill the "six service commitments" and handle special affairs in a special way to ensure smooth channels for earthquake relief donations and remittances; shall provide good services for payment and settlement of disaster relief funds to ensure that disaster relief funds be remitted to the accounts of payees as soon as possible; shall do a good job in capital dispatch and remittance to safeguard the needs of the clients in disaster areas for drawing cash and ensure the timely entry of disaster relief funds into accounts and the timely allotment of disaster relief funds; shall try to resume normal business operation of outlets in disaster areas, and may set up temporary outlets under a special circumstance to ensure the needs of clients for transactions; shall rapidly process international earthquake relief funds and reduce charges as much as possible; shall open green credit-granting channels for earthquake relief, actively do a good job in granting of disaster relief loans, support the timely purchase and circulation of earthquake relief materials, provide special financial services for the heavily affected industries and enterprises of power, communications, highway and railway, etc., guarantee the efficiency in examination and approval of loans and ensure the disaster relief funds be in place timely.


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Remittance Man

No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
