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与 remembrance 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At present, we rarely find the Buddha image of Luang Por Pard in general Buddha image selling market .on account of the fact that he would create the image only once, and he had real intention to create them for remembrance to the descendants.


In this context, giving the bread and wine as his body and blood, with the words,"this do in remembrance of me," Jesus points to himself as the true substitute for the paschal lamb and to his death as the saving event which will deliver the new Israel, represented in his disciples, from all bondage.


This Observation convinc'd me, That I had nothing to do but to observe the Ebbing and the Flowing of the Tide, and I might very easily bring my Boat about the Island again: But when I began to think of putting it in Practice, I had such a Terror upon my Spirits at the Remembrance of the Danger I had been in, that I could not think of it again with any Patience; but on the contrary, I took up another Resolution which was more safe, though more laborious; and this was, That I would build, or rather make me another Periagua or Canoe; and so have one for one Side of the Island, and one for the other.


This observation convinced me that I had nothing to do but to observe the ebbing and the flowing of the tide, and I might very easily bring my boat about the island again; but when I began to think of putting it in practice, I had such a terror upon my spirits at the remembrance of the danger I had been in, that I could not think of it again with any patience; but on the contrary, I took up another resolution which was more safe, though more laborious; and this was, that I would build, or rather make me another periagua or canoe; and so have one for one side of the island, and one for the other.


For according to Jewish beliefs, Pesach is not merely a feast in remembrance of the exodus, the saving journey out of Egypt, but it is also a feast of hope.


Pierrot, cease your singing, lest you bring remembrance back.


"True," replied the marquise, without wincing in the slightest degree at the tragic remembrance thus called up; but bear in mind, if you please, that our respective parents underwent persecution and proscription from diametrically opposite principles


And that these days should be remembered and kept throughout every generation, every family, every province, and every city; and that these days of Purim should not fail from among the Jews, nor the remembrance of them fade from their seed.

9:28 世世代代、家家户户、各省各城,人必记念遵守这两日,使这普珥日在犹大人中不被废掉,在他们后裔中也不被忘记。

The monument was dedicated by Queen Juliana on 4 May 1956, the national day of remembrance, and since then the Dutch Queen and her consort have laid wreaths here every year on that day.

纪念碑由Queen Juliana 致力了在1956 年5月4日,国庆节记忆,并且从那以后荷兰女王/王后和她的一致放置了花圈这里每年在那天。

One idea only still throbbed lifelike within me — a remembrance of God: it begot an unuttered prayer: these words went wandering up and down in my rayless mind, as something that should be whispered, but no energy was found to express them.


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Remembrance Day
The Remembrance Ballad
Remembrance Day
Introduction To The Faint Remembrance Of A Dead And Dying Dream
Remembrance Day
Remembrance Day
Remembrance (Communion Song)
Act Of Remembrance
Circle Of Remembrance

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
