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与 remaining 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For much of his career as Lord Protector, Cromwell had to strike a balance between the country's remaining royalist and republican interests, although he never succeeded in fully winning over any of these groups to his side.


Next to the Ruins of St. Paul is a symbol of Macau, which was built in the 1 7 century St. Paul's teaching, destroyed in 1835 in a fire, the remaining anterior, such as the shape of St.

旁边的大三巴牌坊是澳门的标志,它原为建于1 7 世纪的圣保禄教学,毁于1 8 3 5 年一场大火,仅余前壁,形如牌坊。

The German police planned an armed rescue, But in the confusion of the gun battles, all the hostages, a German policeman and five terrorists were killed. Following the atrocities of 1972, Jordan expelled the Palestinians, Their relocation to Lebanon destabilised a region already in religious turmoil. The Israeli invasion of 1982 attempted to clear Southern Lebanon of the PLO forces. after a 2 month seige of Beirut, the Palestinians left under a multi-national protectorate, As many as 30 thousand people had been killed, the majority civilians. In August, under the authority of Israel, Christian Phalangists raided the Palestinian camps of Sabra and Chatilla, What was meant as a search for remaining terrorists became a massacre, 2000 Palestinians were killed. 20 years after the -Day War, the Palestinians of the Occupied Territories continued to live in poverty. A new generation which had grown up under Israeli rule was inspired by the Iranian Revolution of 1979, Islamic fundamentalism radicalized the youths of Gaza and the West Bank, They began the Intifada.


Finally he drew a light sabre and routed the remaining troops.


Pumpkin黄熟, to close after a certain period of time remaining to saccharification.


With the approval of the sacred council, by the tenor of the present letter, we grant and bestow on them, by the faith of a pontiff, a public guarantee and a free safe-conduct as to their coming, going, remaining for as long as the negotiation of the aforesaid matters shall last, and afterwards for departing and returning to their own territories; and we shall consent to their wishes so far as we can under God.


In order to remove completely all excuse and leave no pretext of any impediment to anyone who is obliged to attend, in addition to the public guarantee which was clearly granted at the summoning of this council to all coming to it we give, concede and grant, acting on the advice and power mentioned above with the same council's approval, to each and all who have been accustomed to be present at the meetings of general councils and are coming to the present Lateran council, as well as to members of their personal staff, of whatever status rank, order and condition or nobility they may be, ecclesiastical and secular, a free, safe and secure safe-conduct and, by apostolic authority in the meaning of the present letter, full protection in all its aspects, for themselves and for all their possessions of any kind as they pass through cities, territories and places, by sea and land, which are subject to the said Roman church, for the journey to the Lateran council in Rome, for remaining in the city of freedom, for exchanging views according to their opinions, for departing therefrom as often as they may wish and also after four months from the conclusion and dispersal of the said council; and we promise to give readily other safe-conducts and guarantees to those desiring to have them.


The moment, in the early December of the year to which I have been alluding, I had succeeded in inducing your mother to send you out of England, I collected again the torn and ravelled web of my imagination[7c], got my life back into my own hands, and not merely finished the three remaining acts of An Ideal Husband, but conceived and had almost completed two other plays of a completely different type, the Florentine Tragedy and La Sainte Courtisane,[7.1] when suddenly, unbidden, unwelcome, and under circumstances fatal to my happiness you returned[7d].

那个时候,也就是我一直在说的那年十二月初,我劝得你母亲把你送出英国后,就重新拾起,再度编织我那支离破碎的想象之网[7c],生活也重归自己掌握,不但完成了《理想丈夫》剩下的三幕,还构思并几乎完成了另外两个完全不同的剧本,《佛罗伦萨悲剧》和《圣妓》。而这时,突然之间,不召自来,不请自到,在我的幸福生死攸关的情形下,你回来了 [7d]。

7 Page 3 of 132 your mother to send you out of England, I collected again the torn and ravelled web of my imagination [7c] , got my life back into my own hands, and not merely finished the three remaining acts of An Ideal Husband, but conceived and had almost completed two other plays of a completely different type, the Florentine Tragedy and La Sainte Courtisane, [7.1] when suddenly, unbidden, unwelcome, and under circumstances fatal to my happiness you returned [7d] .

离破碎的想象之网 [ 7 c ] ,生活也重归自己掌握,不但完成了《理想丈夫》剩下的三幕,还构思并几乎完成了另外两个完全不同的剧本,《佛罗伦萨悲剧》和《圣妓》。而这时突然之间,不召自来,不请自到,在我的幸福生死攸关的情形下,你回来了 [ 7 d ] 。

Methods: A retrospective study was performed including 397 women treated with IVF-ET with unilateral/bilateral salpingectomy or salpingoplasty for ectopic pregnancy or salpingemphraxis and patients with tubal infertility with existing salpinx. A total of 116 women with history of unilateral (n=70, group A) or bilateral (n=46, group B) received salpingectomy; 60 women with history of unilateral (n=27, group C) or bilateral (n=33, group D) receivedv salpingoplasty. While the remaining women, who were accomplished in the same duration, with fallopian tube obstruction but without hydrosalpinges were acted as control group (n=221, group E). The basic clinical information and ovarian response to gonadotropins were evaluated in these groups.


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The Last Remaining Light

The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
